Huge House Hates Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79499 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 397(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“And then she showed her true colors.”

“Yes. And he chose to see those true colors. Me and you, we’ve been ignoring them for years.”

“We sure have.”

“Well, I for one am going to give her a piece of my mind, and I don’t give a fuck if she pleads ignorance or apologizes. I’m done, and I’m going to tell her so.”

I turn to stare at my friend, whose mouth is set into a determined line. Maggie’s forgiven Cathy the most, but if she’s at the end of the line, then I owe it to her to follow the same path.

“Okay. I guess I’m going to do the same,” I say.

“If that’s what you want.” Maggie gives me one reassuring nod. “Now, back to these Carlton boys. What are you going to do?”

“I can’t go back there,” I say softly. “Not today. I feel too emotionally wrecked. I feel too betrayed. I know I’m not going to be able to say what I need to say without bursting into tears.”

“You don’t have to go back today, honey. Or even tomorrow. Just take as much time as you need, and when you feel ready, I can even come back with you.”

“But I don’t have anywhere else to stay,” I say. “That was the whole reason I moved in with them in the first place.”

“Stay here, you crazy woman.”

“But you have a houseful,” I protest.

“Exactly. One more body isn’t going to make a difference. Do you know how much food gets left over every day? And Gordon, Logan, and Daryl are away. Honestly, I’ll be mad if you say no. What’s the point in inheriting a giant house if you can’t give your friends a roof when they need one?”

“The trouble is, I don’t know what I’m going to do. If I can’t stay with the Carltons long-term, I’m out of options.”

“Let’s cross that bridge when it comes,” she says softly. “I know you think I’m crazy, but I have a feeling everything’s going to work out.”

“Crazy is an understatement,” I say. I wish my stupid heart could hold on to the hope that she might be right, however unlikely the prospect might be. But I’ve been burned too many times before.

Men are liars. They’re only out for their own gain. They use and then spit you out when they’re done having fun. The quicker I accept that and move on, the better.

The only person I can rely on is me. And Maggie. She’s a true friend, and I’ve never been more in need of one of those than I am today.



“I gave you one job,” Dad yells down the phone. “One job. To make your stepsister feel welcome. And what do I find out from your Uncle Morris? That you’re having a relationship with her…a sexual relationship…all of you.”

The fury in his voice is palpable, and I take a step back until I’m leaning against the countertop.

I knew this phone call was coming. Danny’s already had the same talking-to, and so has Alden. I guess he’s going in alphabetical order on his phone contacts list.

“Dad. We are taking care of her, and to be frank, what we do in our private lives isn’t any of your business.”

“None of my business. This is my fiancée’s daughter, not a random girl off the street. You seriously couldn’t find anyone else to get your rocks off with?”

“It’s not like that, Dad,” I say. “It isn’t just about sex. We like Cora. Really like her.”

“You like her?” His tone is derisive.

“It’s more than just like,” I say, the word love tickling the end of my tongue but not quite forming to say out loud. I don’t want my dad to be the first one who hears that I love Cora. That’s something I need to save for her.

“You don’t know what you want,” he spits. “None of you do. I coddled you too much after your mom died and now look what’s happened. This is the first girl you share a space with, and you’re all fawning over her like brainless idiots.”

“Dad,” I say, the warning tone now evident in my voice. “The way you’re talking to me isn’t respectful. I’m a grown man, not a prepubescent kid. And I know my own mind.”

“What do you know? Do you really think that girl wants you and your brothers? Do you seriously think she wants all of you? And this has nothing to do with money at all?”

“What?” I pull the phone from my ear for a second, staring at the screen as though I’m going to see something there that will enlighten me about the crazy words that are currently spilling from my father’s mouth.

“Money, Mark. She’s trying to get back the money her father lost when his business went under. She’s taken her time over the revenge, that’s for sure. But her motivation is clear. You’re fools not to see what she’s up to. And I’m telling you this right now. There is no way in hell that girl is going to be in your life anymore. This is over. Right now. You call her and tell her that she’s not allowed back into my house. I’ve told her mom that she’ll have to stay with friends.”


