Huge Games Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80197 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

"He really isn't. I used to think the same, but now… he's a decent guy. A solid person. He's good for Celine, and he's loyal to the rest of us in a way I don't think he expected of himself."

"I always thought of Elias as a lone wolf."

"I think he always thought of himself that way. Funny how circumstances can throw everything up in the air so it falls differently."

"And what about the rest of them? Do you think they feel the same way?"

"I don't know," I admit. "Maybe it seems too crazy for them."

"Well, they know us, and they know Gab. Does it look that crazy from the outside?"

"Surprisingly not."

"Then maybe there's a chance?"

I shift my feet, allowing myself to imagine a time when I could call Celine my girl and keep Travis and Elias in our lives.

"Maybe," I say. "If the universe gives us all a moment between the drama, it keeps tossing in our direction."

She crosses her fingers and holds them high. "Tell Celine I told her to call me when she can and come over soon. The boys would love to see you."

We hug again and I watch my friend disappear into the crowd. She's found her place in the world. I'm still working on finding mine.

Am I close? Only time will tell, I guess.

Or maybe now's the time to put everything on the line.



As we leave the police station, I slide my hand into Elias's. For a second, he seems to flinch as though the idea of holding hands doesn't fit with his super independent persona, but then he relaxes and squeezes my fingers gently as he leads us back to the car.

It was mostly a wasted morning. The police were sympathetic to both of our circumstances but without clear evidence, there isn't much they can do. Elias's mom could have fallen down the stairs while she was alone in the house. It could have been anyone behind me in the video. They didn't tell us what the next steps would involve, just that they'd be in touch. I couldn't work out if that was a promise or a way to get us out of the building.

"I'm sorry," I say when Elias opens the car door for me. He jerks his head back in surprise.

"You didn't push my mom down the stairs."

I punch his shoulder gently, nudging him away. "I know I didn't. I mean, I'm sorry they're not going to rush out and arrest your dad."

"She'll tell them when she wakes up," he says. "This time, I'm not taking no for an answer. I swear to God. She's reporting that bastard, or I'm never seeing either of them ever again. And then they'll have to charge him."

"Do you think she will?"

"She could have died."

"I know, but do you think she will?"

He's thoughtful for a moment, then shakes his head. "No. I don't think she will."

"All you can do is try," I say. "Parents don't always live up to expectations. Sometimes, they're an epic fail."

I climb into the car, and Elias shuts the door and rounds the front. When he's seated and fastening his belt, he asks in a quiet voice. "Are your parents messed up, too?"

"They didn't used to be." I stare out the front window, not wanting to meet his eyes. "But after they separated, it's like they divorced Marie and me, too. Now, all we hear about from them is how evil they both are, and how miserable. If we get a phone call at all."

He squeezes my knee, then puts the car into drive. "Dornan's dad is like a fucking saint. He's always coming around with snacks, and not just for Dornan. He's nicer to me than my own fucking sperm donor."

"Gab's mom is a saint, too. I swear, that woman wants to feed the world. She's so caring and nurturing. I hate myself for feeling jealous."

"Don't hate yourself. A starving man craves what's on a rich man's plate. It's natural."

I turn to stare at him. "That's very philosophical."

He quirks a lopsided smile. "I keep telling you I'm not just a pretty face."

I snicker and play with the loose threads on the hole in my jeans. "But you are so pretty."

He really is beautiful. I always thought that, even when he was being a cocky asshole. Somehow, now I know him, he's become even more attractive. All the things that make him awkward and opinionated, loyal, and kind, and everything in between, makes him shine in my eyes. I think the same about Dornan. He's such a good man, not just to me because he likes me, but also to Elias and Travis and his other friends and family.

And Travis. Well, he's traveled halfway around the world on the off chance he has a baby that might need protecting in five months. Who does that?


