How the Necromancer in the Gold Vest Saved My Life – Disaster Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31462 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 157(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

Sky searched the area to see Red shuffling off to the house. He broke free of Nolan and jogged after the man.

He placed a hand on his arm and squeezed. “Red?”

His old friend flashed him a wobbly smile. “I’m good. Just beat. I think I’ll crash at Moon’s tonight. I’ll figure out a ride tomorrow.”

“Red…were you hoping to get back with Damon?”

The witch choked on a laugh. “No, I swear. Damon’s great, but we were never good together. I’m glad he’s happy with Theo.” He stopped and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I guess I liked the feeling of being the hero. Of racing in and helping a friend. Just doing something exciting and good for once.” He gazed at where Damon and Theo were now lost to their crowd of people. “Turns out I wasn’t needed at all.”

Sky rapped his knuckles on Red’s forehead. “Dumbass. Even though everything worked out for them doesn’t mean he didn’t need you. Those idiots needed that extra push to start talking. And I’m sure Damon feels better knowing he’s got a really good friend who will jump in and help him when he’s in danger. Everyone needs one person like that. I’m lucky. I’ve got three—you, Mad, and Moon. No matter what’s going on, I can always depend on you three lunatics.”

Red engulfed him in a rib-cracking hug. “Thanks, Sky. I’ve always got your back, just like you’ve got mine.” When he released Sky, his crooked smile seemed more solid. “Why don’t you get out of here with Nolan? See if you can still salvage this date. I’m going to grab a shower and maybe hang with the wolves.”

“That sounds like a great idea.”

Sky turned around and his eyes immediately zeroed in on the human with the perfect grin. Yes, alone with Nolan at last.

Was there a chance that he could at least get a kiss good night?

Chapter 8

Nolan Banks

It was after midnight when they finally pulled into Sky’s driveway. The end of a very long, very strange date.

He should have felt exhausted. He’d talked to more people, been through more insanity than he usually went through in a month. This introvert should have wanted to crawl into bed and hide under the covers for at least three days to recuperate.

But funny enough, he wasn’t ready to call it a night.

He stood next to Sky in the driveway, facing his house, trying to get a read off the witch. Was Sky wanting to end the date here? Was he open to a little something more? How in the world was he supposed to propose something without sounding like an idiot?

Suave was not one of his settings.

His characters could be smooth. Nolan could not.

“Soooo…” Sky started, drawing out the word. He scraped the toe of his left shoe along the concrete in a semicircle in front of him. “That was an interesting date.”

“Very interesting. Most interesting I’ve ever had,” Nolan agreed. His inner playboy was weeping in the corner. This was pathetic.

“But not interesting in a bad way?”

“No! Definitely not. Interesting as in exciting and informative. Entertaining.” He forced out a weak laugh. “If we do this again, one of us will have to check the calendar to see if it’s going to be a full moon.”

“Oh, yeah. We’ll have to be more cautious of that.”

And then silence.

How was he supposed to do this?

You wanna come back to my place for a nightcap?

Oh, God. That was like cheesy seventies porn. Wrong. Just wrong.

Besides, what was he going to offer? He hadn’t gone to the grocery in forever. His pantry might contain coffee, water, and some very old, very flat soda. No one wanted to drink that so late at night.

“Um…would you want to come in for a quick nightcap?” Sky ventured and Nolan’s heart did a backflip.

Why did those words sound so sexy coming out of his mouth? Who the fuck cared?

“Unless you’re tired. You’re probably exhausted,” Sky continued before Nolan could get his mouth working.

“Yes! I mean no! I mean, I’m not tired. I could go for a nightcap.”

Yep, he sounded like a complete moron, but that was okay because Sky was smiling up at him as if he’d just handed him the moon.

“Great!” Sky immediately perked up, his entire frame straightening and he even bounced higher on the balls of his feet. “I think I have some coffee and tea. Water. I…I’ll have to check—”

“Yes, that’s perfect,” Nolan agreed as he followed Sky to his front door. He’d accept a cup of sewage from Sky if it meant he could finally get this man alone and behind a closed door.

“If you’re still hungry, I could make us some sandwiches,” Sky offered.

Nolan gave the roses some serious side-eye as he passed them up to the porch. “You know I love your sandwiches, but let me put the condiments on this time.”


