How the Necromancer in the Gold Vest Saved My Life – Disaster 5 Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33643 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

Unfortunately, the portal wasn’t big enough to catch all three of them.

The jig was up, and the remaining two dogs were not happy to have their snack interrupted.

But instead of trying to run away, the dogs did the opposite. They charged straight ahead.

Without a thought, Nolan threw the remaining thigh and the bag at the dogs and turned to run into the woods. He collided with Moon, who was also attempting to retreat. All the witches were cursing and shouting.

The world exploded.

Something crashed into Nolan from behind, throwing him forward into a gigantic tree. The night burst into white light and pain. The thunder in his ears muffled all the shouts.

His heart. His heart was beating too fast.

Everything fucking hurt.

This…this might have been a mistake.

Chapter 7

Skylar Wallace

A dog slammed into Nolan, sending him flying until a tree stopped him. He hit the ground and didn’t move.

And for several heartbeats, Sky couldn’t move either. Everything inside of him was shattered or in denial. His heart was screaming, but a sound didn’t leave him as the air remained locked in his lungs.

Was he dead?

He couldn’t be dead.

Not yet. Not so soon.

“Nolan!” Moon shouted, half running, half crawling across the ground.

Nolan coughed weakly and groaned, rolling in the dirt, but it was enough to free Sky. Leaving his bag behind, he ran toward Nolan and fell to his knees beside him. Moon had his flashlight out, revealing a dirty torn shirt and blood slipping down Nolan’s forehead from a cut somewhere on his head.

“Nolan! Nolan!” Sky cried. He reached for the man, but hesitated, unsure of where to touch him, afraid he was going to cause him more pain.

“Did you get them?” Nolan asked in a rough voice.

“What?” Sky’s brain wasn’t working. Nolan wasn’t making any sense.

“The dogs…”

“Fuck the dogs! Are you all right?”

“I’m…okay…just…little banged up.” Each word came out tight and between fractured gasps, as if he were struggling to get some air. Had he broken ribs and punctured a lung?

“Hospital. We need to get him to a hospital,” Sky said breathlessly.

Footsteps thundered up behind him and a pair of hands grabbed his arms, pulling him back. He fought them. There was no way he was leaving Nolan’s side. He looked up to find that Moon was moving him out of the way so Maddox and Redstone could kneel alongside Nolan.

“They’ve got him. Don’t worry,” Moon reassured him.

Sky nodded, his brain beyond words. His eyes locked on his two friends. The earth witches were skilled healers, and he refused to believe that Nolan’s injuries were beyond them.

“Sky, I’m so sorry. You trusted Nolan’s safety with me, and I failed—” Moon began, but Sky’s battered brain homed in on his friend’s pained words.

“No!” Sky cut him off. He glared at Moon, his shoulders slumped as he stared at Nolan as Red and Mad worked. “This isn’t your fault. Everything went to shit way too fast. There wasn’t time to react or get protection in place.”

“Sky, honey,” Nolan murmured. “You have all these shadows clawing at you.”

Sky’s heart jumped. Nolan’s voice sounded stronger already. He glanced at himself to see black shadows almost like tentacles writhing in the air and wrapping around him. He hadn’t even noticed it amid his worry for Nolan.

Moon lifted his flashlight and shined it in Sky’s face. Sky squinted and batted at Moon’s hand, trying to push the light away.

“He’s right. Your eyes have gone completely black. You’re losing control of your powers.”

“And you need to get your shit under control!” Mad snapped.

“It’s interfering with our ability to work!” Red added.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

His underworld death magic did not help earth magic when it came to healing. In fact, it hindered their work.

Stepping away from Red and Mad, Sky squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to take several deep breaths. He needed to get under control. Nolan was going to be okay. He wasn’t going to lose him. Not like this. Not now.

The underworld could not have Nolan. He wasn’t done with him. They still had years ahead of them of bad dates, good couch cuddles, giggling over stupid things, arguments, and make-up sex.

“Honey, come here.” Nolan’s gentle voice broke through his panic and allowed him to breathe like a normal human being.

The tingle and extra weight of power were gone, dissipating like morning fog burned away by the sun. Sky returned to Nolan’s side, kneeling by his head. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and worked on wiping away the blood from Nolan’s forehead, making sure it didn’t drip into his eyes.

“How are you feeling?” Sky asked.

“Better. I can breathe easier now. My head doesn’t hurt as bad,” Nolan admitted. “What about the dogs? Did we get any of them?”

“One, but you’re not allowed to worry about the dogs. Relax and let Mad and Red heal you.”

“He had a few broken ribs, punctured lung—” Mad listed.


