How Not To Be A Goddess Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94823 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

"Not possible," he murmured.

"Because you have a thing for older women?" I couldn't help teasing, and a giggle escaped me when I saw him roll his eyes.

"You haven't answered my question," Hadrian reminded me.



"I have work this afternoon," I began.

"What time?"

"I leave around two—-"

He nodded. "I'll drive you."

My eyes widened. "You don't have to—-"

Hadrian simply looked at me.

"But...if you insist?"

"I insist."

And then he was gently pressing me back against my door, his fingers driving through my hair as his mouth covered mine.

Butterflies were still fluttering in my stomach when I let myself in my apartment and saw Mary Priscilla sitting in the couch. "Where have you been?" she asked curiously.

"The gym," I answered rather dreamily.

Her nose wrinkled as she floated towards me. "You smell weird."

"Do I?" My tone came out faint, my mind still consumed with thoughts of Hadrian. "It's probably cu—-" Whoa. I stopped myself in time, aghast at what I had almost let slip.

"It's what?" The little girl was still looking at me expectantly.

"Cologne," I said lamely.

Mary Priscilla's nose wrinkled again. "It doesn't smell like cologne."

"Because it's not for kids." And since the look on her face told me she was planning to ask a gazillion more questions about it, I hastily changed the subject, asking, "Do you know anything about the guy next door?"

Chapter Six

Mary Priscilla still hadn't returned when Hadrian came knocking on my door at precisely a quarter to two. He had a hoodie over his jeans this time, and my lips twitched when I noticed that all of it was plain and black once again. Definitely younger than me, I thought in a mixture of amusement and resignation, having remembered an article that claimed "black was the new black for millennials".

Hadrian raised a brow. "May I come in?"


I quickly stepped back with a rueful smile. "Sorry." I closed the door behind him, and when I turned around, it was to have Hadrian pull me into his arms and cover my mouth with his.

Bliss, I thought dreamily all the while wrapping my arms around his neck.

The kiss started out soft and gentle, but the moment our tongues met, it became hot and torrid in an instant, Hadrian sucking on my tongue with such blatant hunger that I could only whimper in surrender. When he lifted his head, I could only stare up at him in dazed breathlessness.

"Younger," I managed to say, thinking that a guy in his forties couldn't be this horny. "You're definitely younger."

But Hadrian only smirked, asked if I were ready to leave, and got back to kissing me once we were inside the elevator.

My lips felt deliciously swollen when he finally released me, and I couldn't help smiling up at him. "You kiss so good."

He laughed.

Hadrian's car was a sleek black Lamborghini, and once inside it, Hadrian asked for the address of my workplace.

For a few moments, I watched him drive in studied casualness, and it was only when I saw that he was a good enough driver that I relaxed against my seat.

Hadrian slanted a smirking glance at my direction, and I realized belatedly that he had totally seen through me.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly. "You can never be too sure, with cars like this."

"No offense taken, love."

Oh, that endearment.

It was just too sweet, but it also made me so, so horny that it had me squirming in my seat and racking my brains for something to distract me. "" I cleared my throat. "How was your day?"

"The usual."

"I remember you mentioned about working odd hours..."

"It mostly involves working from home."

"So today..."

"I dealt with paperwork."

Mm. What kind of job would require physical paperwork? A professor grading his students' papers, maybe? Or an architect, but no - he would've used the term 'blueprint' instead, wouldn't he? What about—-

"I think my home office is right next to your en-suite."

The words definitely caught me off guard, and I glanced at him in surprise. "Why would you say that?"

"Why indeed..."

His husky murmur had a rather enigmatic tone to it, and I couldn't help frowning. So what if his office was right next to my en-suite? It wasn't like he'd be able to smell my breath before I could brush my teeth or know when I was pooping or...

Oh my God.

My gaze flew to him in horror, and when I saw his lips start to curve—-

"Please don't say—-"

"I heard you singing?"

I groaned.

"You have a very lovely voice," he said soothingly.

"But lousy taste in music," I grumbled.

"I beg to differ."

"Of course you would."

"It was a nice song."


"But does it, though?"

"Does it what?"

"Love," Hadrian said politely even as his gaze remained on the road. "Does it really move in mysterious ways?"

I burst into laughter, and a peek at his direction showed that a grin had also tugged at one corner of his lips. "I can't believe you said that."

"I can't believe you sang it either, so that makes the two of us."


