Hot Firefighter – Possessive Man Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 27288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 136(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

She’s dressed in clothes that would look casual on anyone else—tight black leggings and a soft jumper beneath her raincoat—but on her looks incredible. It’s all I can do to keep my eyes off her long enough to navigate the short walk to the cafe without getting distracted and walking straight into a damn lamppost.

Autumn is painfully beautiful, especially when she’s laughing like she is now, her head tipped back and her eyes sparkling. The urge to kiss her, to do more than just that, is nearly impossible to ignore, but I manage by sheer force of will. Autumn deserves to be treated like a princess, not to have me rush her into bed like I’m a caveman.

Except I may as well be a damn caveman for all the possessive mantra that plays on a loop in my brain, telling me that she’s mine and I need to have her, to keep her…by my side forever.

“Ooh, this is my favorite place!” Autumn says excitedly as I hold the door open for her, the rich smell of coffee and fresh bread rushing out to greet us.

I smile at her. “Mine too.”

The cafe is a cute, locally owned place with the best coffee in the city, and I’m glad Autumn approves of my choice. I want to impress her, to show her in every way how much I want to make her happy.

We take our seats at a cozy table next to the window and order our coffees—mocha with extra chocolate for Autumn, latte for me—and look over the menu. Except I can’t concentrate long enough to read a single word, with my gaze being drawn back to the stunning girl across from me like she’s my center of gravity.

I pick something random off the menu when the waiter drops off our drinks and takes our food orders, and Autumn giggles when he leaves and we’re alone again.

I raise a brow in silent question, wanting to know every thought in her pretty head.

“You’re staring,” she says with a smile, playing with her hair by twisting a blonde lock between her fingers.

I remember from yesterday how soft her hair was, how it felt slipping through my fingers as I kissed her. My cock twitches and I shift in my chair, thankful she can’t see my traitorous body’s reaction to her closeness under the table. God, that kiss…

I clear my throat, grinning at her. “Hard not to,” I admit, still staring, “when the view’s this gorgeous.”

That blush, the one that filled my dreams and every waking thought, turns her cheeks pink, and she shakes her head a little.

“You’re too damn charming for your own good,” she mutters, but from the way she’s smiling and how her lashes flutter when she looks up at me through them, it’s obvious she’s teasing me.

That personality, sweet but surprising, is as attractive as her looks. I’m drawn to her so intensely. We sip our coffees and eat our food, but with every beat of my heart, one thing is clear to me—Autumn is meant to be mine. She belongs to me.

If she doesn’t already feel the same way, I’m determined to win her over.

A waiter walks past holding a plate of fluffy chocolate cake topped with shiny frosting and chocolate sprinkles. Autumn’s eyes follow it. Suddenly, my brain wonders how that treat would taste on her tongue, how that rich, sweet frosting would taste so much sweeter from her skin.

Christ, calm down, I internally beg my cock, which has been in a state of need since I laid eyes on her. For all my attempts at being civil and gentlemanly, Autumn brings out an instinct in me I’ve seldom seen before. An animalistic, feral sort of instinct.

“Finish your drink while I go sort the tab,” I tell her, thankful for the denim of my jeans hiding my erection as I stand.

“You paid yesterday!” Autumn says, licking a drop of her chocolatey coffee off her lips. My blood is on fire as I watch the movement of her tongue. Does she know how utterly, insanely, mind-bogglingly stunning she is? I regain my thoughts enough to answer.

“And I’ll pay every time,” I say, giving her a look that means don’t argue with me. Of course, she does, and of course, it only makes me like her more. No, this goes beyond mere like.

“You don’t have to⁠—”

“I’m well aware I don’t have to,” I say gently, smiling even as I narrow my eyes at her, “But I want to. I want to spoil you fucking rotten, Autumn, in every way you’ll let me. So get used to it, sweetheart.”

Before she can find another line of argument, I slip away towards the counter, adding a slice of that cake to the bill as I pay. Takeout cake box in hand, I turn back to head towards my girl but freeze in my tracks.


