Hopeful Romantic – Spruce Texas Read Online Daryl Banner

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 70570 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

Before he can decide, there’s a knock at the door. He lets out a huff and heads off to answer it.

What the door reveals is a young man in a fitted shirt, jacket, matching tie, and the most perfect pair of slacks that I am sure a top-notch stylist would have picked out for him themselves. His hair is a flawless sweep, as it always is, and when his brilliant eyes find mine, he smiles with teeth.

And my polite, well-meaning self lets out a sigh. “Cole, I said I wasn’t going.”

My father glances at each of us, lifts his hands in surrender, and says, “This isn’t my scene. Good luck, you two.” Then he slips past Cole, leaving me to deal with this all on my own.

I leave the foot of the stairs. “Cole, I’m sorry about last night, I know I was terrible, and I owe you an apology for all of that, but I still don’t think—”

“It’s okay, Malcolm.” He offers me another smile, then hooks his hands behind his back and nods. “I’m not here as your date.”

I blink. “Then what’s this about?”

“But I still want to take you to the wedding.”

My face wrinkles up. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“You feel bad about last night, huh?” He makes a funny smirk I think is supposed to be full of attitude, but instead looks adorable as ever. “I guess that means you gotta make it up to me.”

I press a hand to my forehead. Is this yet another headache coming on? “No one in that church wants me there, Cole.”

“I want you there. And I suspect I can name one or two others who would like you there, too. One of them just went past me and, ooh, there he goes,” murmurs Cole lightly as he glances over his shoulder, watching my dad take off in his truck. “I really like your dad. Talked to him a bit last night. Yes,” he answers my unasked question, “I did go to the kitchen to find your dad after you left. He said he’d call you and assured me not to worry. I imagine he still was worried, despite what he told me. He cares about you. A lot.”

I come up to him. “Cole …”

“Can you just come with me, please?” He shrugs as he brings his sweet eyes to mine, imploring me. “Come to this silly wedding with me so I don’t go alone. You know, if I don’t witness my new bosses get married, I’ll be fired. It’s Spruce law.”

I roll my eyes. At least his corny brand of humor is still intact. “I’m way underdressed compared to you.”

“You look fine. I’ll be the annoyingly overdressed one. It’s a flaw of mine. You should’ve seen me at my prom. Please, Malcolm? Make up for last night by coming with me.”

With a glance behind me, I find the house is essentially empty. Maybe two or three people out back, still fussing with things. If I stay here, I’ll really have nothing to do but wait.

I guess, in the end, it really is just an excuse to stay here and avoid attending the damned thing.

Is this my last act of penance? Should I dare show my face? Be in the audience? Applaud when Jimmy says the words I wrote to Bobby? Cry my eyes out like Nadine surely will?

“Alright, Cole. You win.” I meet his eyes. “I’ll go.”

His smile brightens to the point of blinding me.

I swear, Cole Harding’s looks are a weapon. The boy seriously needs to be more responsible with them.

Compared to last night’s tumultuous drive in the dark, stormy weather, today’s drive is like a dream. The air is unexpectedly cool and crisp, likely brought in by the rain. The sun is out, making the day even more perfect. The farmlands are calm, the trees dance in the breeze, and even the road feels smoother than usual.

“I really am sorry,” I volunteer as we grow closer to town.

Cole and I have had a little bit of small talk along the way. The weather. The wedding. Spruce shutting down for it. My apology is uttered in the cool, calm lull between our little dialogues.

“It’s okay, Malcolm.”

“Really. I became ugly and childish and terrible. Then I likely scared you as I raced off into the storm after confessing about the whole kiss thing.” I sigh. “I didn’t even let you say whatever it was you were going to say.”

“Doesn’t matter anymore.” He nods toward me. “You’re safe.”

“I don’t even know how you can possibly have still considered taking me to this wedding after what I said.” I stare outside as the quirky buildings of Spruce come into view. “You must be the most patient, kindest person. It still baffles me that Nadine thought I’d be good for you. Yikes. I am so sorry for that.”


