Holiday Treats – Holiday Heroes & Furry Friends Read Online Mink

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 129
Estimated words: 122216 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

She dogs my heels. “Just give me half—or all,” she says under her breath. “I’ll pay you for them, and then we can go.”

“No can do.” I load them into the back of my pickup.

“Why not?” She pulls a green knit cap from her pocket and slides it over her head.

I reach out and straighten it, making sure her ears are tucked in and toasty.

She looks as if I struck her, but she doesn’t push me away.

“I’ll meet you at Cal’s.” I open my door and hop in, then put it in drive and slowly pull away from her.

She’s still fuming, gawking, and glaring all at once.

I hesitate before pulling onto the highway and watch her in my rear view. When she gets into her Prius and starts it up, I can see her arguing with herself behind the wheel.

Smiling, I pull onto the highway and watch with amusement and, admittedly, satisfaction, as she pulls out and doesn’t turn left to go home. She turns right toward Cal’s Diner. Toward me.



“What are you doing?” I ask myself. I am even more mad now, if that’s possible.

Was he serious about not knowing who I am? I’ve lived across the street from him for years. I know I don’t go outside much, but still. For some reason, his denial stung. I focus on my anger so I don’t let a small piece of my ego get hurt. I didn't know I had an ego when it came to my looks, but clearly, I do. Satan Claus’s words knocked the wind out of my sails. Jerk. I don’t know what game he’s playing but whatever it is, he better plan on losing.

I’m not sure why we have to go to Cal’s Diner to talk about the lights. I don’t like restaurants. They tend to have a lot of people that listen to your conversations. The menus are always so overwhelming, and I never have enough time to read over them properly before the server is at the table asking me what I want. I always get flustered and just leave. I’m more of a take-out girl. In recent months I’ve discovered the apps for food delivery and that pretty much sealed the deal for me staying in to eat. I guess I’ll have to put my big-girl panties on today and suck it up if I want those lights. And I absolutely do.

I pull into the parking spot next to him. I glance in the mirror and wish I’d taken a little more time to get ready to go to the hardware store. I’d been in such a rush that I didn't bother to fix my hair. I pulled it up into a wild mess on top of my head. The yoga pants I’m wearing are a little dirty from working in the yard, and my furry boots have some mud specks on them. My plan had been to get the lights and put some of them up by nightfall. Now I’m going to have to eat with Satan Claus before I can get my hands on them. It’s almost not worth it. I should turn around and go home. I could come up with something else. But the competitor in me won’t have it.

“It’s worth it,” I tell myself as I look into the rear-view mirror trying to give myself another pep talk. It’s not as if they ever work.

My door opens, and I let out a scream.

“Whoa.” Satan Claus doesn’t waste time.

“Don’t scare me!” I snip at him and flick off my seat belt.

He just smiles and offers me his hand to help me out of the car.

I smack it away. “I can get out of my own car,” I huff.

He steps back to give me room to do so. I grab my purse, stepping out and keeping my eye on him. Because I’m not looking where I’m stepping, I don’t see the chunk of asphalt my foot comes down on. I trip, drop my bag, and almost fall over. Satan Claus catches me easily.

I gasp as he pulls me snugly into his arms. “I got you,” he reassures me.

“You have my lights, that’s what you have.” I push off his chest, this time tripping over my own feet. I’m sure this time I’m going to face plant outside the diner for all to see, but again, he catches me.

“Stop that!”

His hands bring me flush against his solid form. For a man that I never really see leave his house, he’s built like a Mack truck. I feel small and dainty against him, something I’m not used to feeling.

I’m definitely on the short side, but I have a butt and thick thighs. My curves seem to mold easily into his body, and I allow myself to stay there for a second. The contact feels nice, even though it’s with Satan.


