Hitman – Savage Crows MC Texas Charter Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 67(@200wpm)___ 54(@250wpm)___ 45(@300wpm)

“Hard work.” Bones snorted. “Get the fuck out of here, man. Your job is not hard.”

Once upon a time, Bones used to do the same kind of work, except the streets had trained her, just like they had Grim. She’d been a lone wolf and the person people called when they wanted someone taken out. She’d earned the club’s favor when she rescued Grim and Scab’s wife, Katyushka, from being buried alive. But she hadn’t been fully trusted until she decided to give up that life and settle down here, taking a job in Grave’s garage. And from there, the two of them had been inseparable.

I gave a dramatic gasp and pressed my hand over my chest. “I beg your finest pardon?” I asked in the poshest voice I could manage. “How dare you insult my job like that?

Bones laughed and tossed back the whiskey she’d poured. I turned on my heel, heading for the door once again. “I’ll probably head back to the city tonight,” I told them. “Tell Trixie to stop cleaning my room. She’s not my fucking maid.” Alex’s wife, Trixie, had a habit of wanting to take care of literally everyone, but it wasn’t her job to do so. If I was gone for weeks and my room got covered in a layer of dust, I was capable of cleaning it myself. She didn’t need to be overdoing herself just because she thought she needed to show us all love through acts of service.

Grave snorted. “Yeah, good luck with that one.”

He wasn’t wrong. I knew he’d relay the message for me, but I also knew my room would be spotless whenever I decided to crash at the clubhouse again. Trixie never listened, and Alex would let her do whatever made her happy.

The house Solace lived in was small and quaint. She lived on the outskirts of the city in a single story, white brick home with blue shutters. Her driveway was paved, and she was surrounded by trees on all sides. It was secluded but still close enough to the city that she could get what she needed without being inconvenienced by the trip. A damn good location if I’d ever seen one.

I imagined she probably bought the place for her mom. I imagined living in the city with sirens wailing at all hours of the day and night, horns blaring, and people constantly coming and going up and down the streets wouldn’t be good for her. Hell, the only reason I tolerated it was because my apartment had sound-proofed walls. I didn’t hear anything happening outside. A bomb could go off, and so long as my building didn’t feel the effects of it, I would remain unaware until I ventured from my apartment.

I eased my bike to a stop beside a black sedan and turned it off. The front door of the house opened just as I slid off my bike. Pulling my helmet off my head, I drank in the beautiful woman standing on the cement porch, pulling the door shut behind her. Black leggings clung to her long, shapely legs, and a white tank top outlined the dip in her waist and her breasts, which were just large enough to fit in my hands and tease me.

The woman was fucking perfection. Too bad I was pretty sure she hated me. I had no doubt the only reason she was allowing me into her home was because her mom had asked it of her. It was clear she had a soft spot for her.

“Come on in,” she told me. “I just got back with the pizza.”

Pizza was good. Pizza was always good.

“How’d you get your car back?” I asked. I’d left it wherever the hell she’d parked it at the night before. It hadn’t been my concern, and by the time Copper got done chewing my ass out, I honestly had been too tired to mention anything about it to Grim.

“It was here when I woke up this morning.” She pushed open the door and walked in ahead of me. “I figured it was Grim’s doing.” No doubt. Now that she was attached to the club, he would have been covering his bases last night to make sure she was protected, too. She pointed to where shoes were piled by the door. “Shoes off.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She shot me an annoyed look, but I just grinned back at her. Rolling her eyes, she turned and strode off, giving me the opportunity to admire her ass. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to grip those globes in my hands as I fucked into her tight, wet heat.

“Stop staring at my ass,” she snapped over her shoulder without turning to look at me.

I huffed. “It’s not my fault you’ve got an ass worthy of being stared at,” I retorted.


