Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)
“Do you have a jacket at least?” I didn’t ask because there were piles of people around, plus he told me to remain quiet. What he didn’t do is read me my Miranda rights. Hmm, I have a sneaking suspicion this isn’t your typical run-of-the-mill arrest.
“Yeah, hold on,” he grunts, backing away to move toward the front seat. I watch him the entire time. Trent’s presence dominates the space around you. He’s more than aware of it, too, at least it seems that way.
“Thanks.” I’m immediately warmed up with his hoodie, the police department logo emblazoned on the front and his spicy scent clinging to the fabric. Trent tucks it around me as much as he can with how I’m situated.
“No problem. Be right back.” I don’t respond. He’s back to being Detective Hawthorne. He’s locked down, not even so much as looking at me. I should not feel ashamed. No one should ever make you feel this way, especially when you’re doing your best to try and earn a living. Too bad Trent never got that memo.
The shock of my motherfucking life. It’s like today, the universe woke up and said let’s throw shit on top of more shit. On Valentine’s Day, no less, not that I’m much of a romantic. Given the choice, I’d much rather have Kennedy in my cuffs while she’s spread bare for me. There’s no holding back now. I’m done playing pretend when it comes to me wanting her.
I hustle back to the car. There’s a nip to the air, and I didn’t keep the car running with the heat on. I’m a selfish prick; it’d put me behind even more had I stopped to start the car. As it is, Chase and the captain wanted to know who I put in my car. I did some quick talking, telling them who Kennedy is, and they knew who she was related to. It’s kind of hard not to when everyone knows fucking everyone. Cap made the exception, but I’m to get her written statement as soon as fucking possible, his words, and there was definitely a bite to his tone.
“Sorry that took so long,” I say, settling into the driver’s seat, starting the car, putting it into gear, and leaving the scene. Tomorrow morning is going to be a bitch and a half with the amount of paperwork I’m leaving in my wake. I’m also going to owe Chase a shit ton favors. I expect he’ll be cashing in soon, too.
“No problem. Nothing like sitting here with my wayward thoughts.” Kennedy shrugs her shoulders. I take my eyes off the road for a moment to take her in. Jesus Christ, the hoodie drops from her body, baring her tits to me again. You’d never know she’s a mom to an almost seven-year-old. Kennedy’s body is fucking banging: slender shoulders, tits that are perky and a handful, slim waist, hips that flare out, and thighs I want to feel wrapped around me while I finally take the woman I’ve been keeping away from. That doesn’t negate the fact my cock perks up anytime she’s around, let alone when I think about her. The callouses on my hand are from fisting my cock. Anytime I’m in the shower or in bed, I’m instantly brought back to the moment I kissed her. The only mistake I made was not taking it further.
“Kennedy,” I groan her name, deep from my chest. This is going to be a long-as-fuck ride home.
“What, do my boobs offend you, Trent?” She is uncomfortable. She may not think I have been in her shoes, and while it’s not the same thing entirely, we did have training where they made us do similar.
“Nah, babe, enjoying the view. A whole damn lot.” I turn my blinker on and head back to Whispering Oaks. The areas surrounding where we live may be spread out, but the interstate makes getting there a whole lot faster, by at least ten minutes, after going above the speed limit yet keeping us safe, too. Whereas Kennedy lives in a subdivision, I live on a small plot of land out in the middle of nowhere. I’d had high hopes of having a sort of hobby type farm set up, but there’s never been a chance with my work schedule.
“Shocking.” I turn the heat up, moving the vents until they’re pointed toward her. I should have pulled over and uncuffed her, except that could mean others could have seen her, and I’ll be damned if I’ll ever let that happen again. It took everything in me to shut down my emotions, become a wall, and be the police officer I’ve been trained to be.
“Not at fucking all,” I say under my breath, exiting the interstate. Two more roads, and we’ll be back at my place. Then we’re going to talk, and I’m going to keep her attached to me until we get everything out in the open. Asher Fontaine may be my best friend and the reason I held back, but that ends tonight.