His Omega’s Keeper Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

“Sorry,” Jake muttered, and started to shift away.

“No, don’t go.” I put my arms around him and pulled him close. I even threw a leg around him, which pulled our pelvises closer together too. Then I could feel the hot, hard, length of his shaft branding not only my lower belly, but rubbing against the soft curls at the apex of my pussy mound too.

Jake must have felt it as well, because he shifted again, uncomfortably, though he didn’t try to get away.

“Ani,” he murmured. “We need to be careful here.”

“How?” I asked, widening my eyes at him. “How can we be careful when the only way to raise my Heat Cycle is rub together like this?”

“Well…not exactly like this,” he murmured and tilted his hips, which made the base of his shaft slide lower, until I could feel it right against my pussy lips. Of course, having my thighs parted so wide, with one leg over him, opened my outer lips too, so that when he nudged against me, he was almost nudging into me, if you know what I mean.

“I…I think we should rub together exactly like this,” I contradicted him, somewhat breathlessly. “I mean, what better way to convince the other, er, Weres that we’re into each other than for me to have my, uh, scent all over you—right?”

“You have a point,” Jake acknowledged. He shifted his hips again, pressing inward, and suddenly he was pressing against my clit. A bolt of pleasure shot through me, making me gasp.

“Oh, Jake,” I moaned softly and shifted forward, wanting more of the addictive pleasure that flowed through me at his touch.

“God, little Ani,” he growled. “Your soft little pussy is so hot and wet. I can feel it against my shaft.” He rubbed against me again, pressing deeper this time and sliding up and down so that his long shaft gave my aching little clit a nice, slow massage.

“Oh!” I was panting now and part of me felt guilty, like we shouldn’t be doing this but I didn’t want it to stop.

“I shouldn’t be doing this—you’re my little sister,” Jake growled, at least partly echoing my thoughts.

“But we have to,” I reminded him, ignoring my own inner voice of guilt. “We need to get my Heat Cycle up and also spread my scent on your skin and your scent on mine, remember?”

“Right, I guess so.”

He didn’t sound too convinced, but he didn’t try to get away again either. Instead, he did another long, slow slide of his cock over my open pussy, caressing my inner folds and my aching clit at the same time with his thick length. This time I was sure I felt the head of his cock sliding over my slippery inner cunt as well, but since he didn’t slide it down to the mouth of my pussy, I didn’t think it was a problem.

But to be honest, it felt so good I could hardly think at all.

“Is this too much?” Jake murmured, sliding up and down my open slit again, his eyes holding mine in the moonlight. “You seem like you’re getting kind of, er, worked up, baby.”

“Because it feels so good,” I admitted, panting a little. “I don’t understand it—why does it feel so good when you touch me? How come having you near me wakes me up? I mean, I never even came close to any kind of sexual pleasure before you touched me. Why is that?”

“Could be because it’s the touch of another Were and up until now you’ve only ever been with human males,” Jake rumbled softly, sliding against me again. “And it’s also possible that my blood calls to yours—since we’re both of the Royal line.”

“Whatever it is, it feels amazing,” I whispered, breathlessly. “I feel like I’ve been asleep all my life and you came along and woke me up!”

“I’m glad I can give you pleasure, baby—though I really shouldn’t.” He got a guilty look in his eyes and started to withdraw again. But I clamped my leg around his hips even tighter and wouldn’t let him go.

“Wait!” I begged. “Just…just a little while longer, please Jake! Tell me…tell me again about how you could possibly fit inside me,” I went on, wanting to keep him talking so that we could keep rubbing together. “I mean, you’re so big and I’m so small, er, down there.” I gave a little nod down to where we were pressed together.

“I told you, it has to do with the compounds in a male Were’s precum,” he growled softly. “You know—what I’m rubbing against you right now?”

Because he actually was. Somehow the angle of our hips and pelvises had changed and now it was the tip of his cock that was sliding across my slippery folds, not just his shaft.

“So…if you were…were going to put it in me…you would rub against me a lot? I mean, right here?” I demonstrated by reaching down and fitting the broad head of his cock to the mouth of my pussy.


