His Little Turquoise – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 45188 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

“Yes, but also because it will help you let go of all the icky feelings. After I spank your bottom, your tantrum will be erased. Poof. All gone.”

I draw in a breath, already knowing he’s right. “Okay.”

Papi releases my wrists and my tummy. He removes my diaper next, lifts me by the hips, and sits on the rocking chair as he lowers me over his lap.

I’m completely naked and not nearly as unnerved as the first few times he spanked me. I’ve only known him a handful of hours, and already he’s had to discipline me three times. It’s hard to grasp since before I met him, I was never so argumentative.

“Spread your legs, Baby girl,” he says as he rubs my bottom.

I whimper as I obey him. It’s disconcerting how aroused I am once again. The thought of him swatting my naughty bottom makes me wet. What if I start becoming the sort of Little who misbehaves often because I like being spanked?

I remind myself that the cycle of being naughty and getting spanked is often the entire dynamic between some Littles and Daddies. I’ve never seen myself in that light, but maybe I wasn’t with the right Daddy. Maybe I’m a new me now that I’m with someone I fully trust and love.

It’s happened so fast. I’m sure part of the connection is a result of the many times Papi has pierced my skin. His essence is causing me to be drawn to him in a way most humans never experience.

Maybe I should be concerned about the force working to bind us together, but the truth is I was mesmerized even before he ever touched me. The bond was already there. I never would have been able to fight it.

What about Ava? I’m sure she fought it hard. She wanted to go to Club Zoom last night out of curiosity. She hadn’t considered being selected, and I sure as heck hadn’t. I assume it’s unusual for two friends to get selected at the same time. The crowd around us had certainly been stunned as Papi carried me out of the club and into a short hallway where we took the elevator.

“Twenty hard swats to your bottom, Baby girl, and then you can spend the last of our time naked so your little tush doesn’t rub against the diaper.”

I whimper, knowing that’s part of his punishment, while at the same time knowing he has me figured out. I’ll never be able to hide anything from him. He knows I’ll be even more embarrassed and aroused completely naked than diapered. That’s why he’s going to do it.

Chapter Seventeen


I’m not sure how I got so lucky. Every time one of our citizens brought his new Little one to my office over the past two years, I’ve watched in wonder and awe at their developing relationship. I never fully understood. Now I do.

There are no words for how I feel about Mia. It’s out of this stratosphere. I know every relationship is different, and as far as I know, no man has ever found out that his mate was already Little. That fact changes my circumstances considerably.

Our time together has not been without incident, though. No matter how Little Mia was before we met, there are aspects of the Eleadian traditions she is not accustomed too. She easily falls into step with regard to snuggles, pampering, and nurturing. She embraces being rocked, fed, and sucking a pacifier without incident. But she wasn’t prepared for diaper changes, nudity, or medical exams—all of which are confusing her because in her heart she knows she craves them. It’s societal norms that are causing her hesitation.

I need to get her sweet bottom spanked so I can hold her again, so I lift my palm and start her punishment.

Mia doesn’t flinch the entire time. She accepts the hard spanking without a single protest, and when it’s finally over, she lets me cradle her in my arms and wipe away her new tears.

I tuck Pokey into her embrace and rock her, kissing her cheeks often while I tell her what a good girl she is over and over.

When a knock sounds at the door, I know it’s time. I kiss my sweet bundle once again and rise to settle her on the changing table. After tucking a soft diaper around her, I meet her gaze and smile. “When you wake up, it will seem like you simply slept through a long night.”

“I’m scared, Papi.”

“I know, but I’ll be with you every second. I’ll never let anything happen to you. Can you trust Papi to keep you safe?”

She nods. “Yes, Papi. Do you promise I can see Ava when we get there?”

I chuckle. “When did I say you could see Ava, Baby girl?”

She sighs. “Two weeks after we arrive,” she mutters.


