His Little Morganite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 50
Estimated words: 47569 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 238(@200wpm)___ 190(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

I close my eyes and drift off, returning to consciousness several times when Papi jiggles the nipple to encourage me to finish the bottle. He’s relentless. I can’t compete against him.

It’s not until the bottle is empty and he switches it for a pacifier that I let out a relieved breath and let myself drift toward sleep.

Papi kisses my forehead. “When you wake up, we’ll be home, Baby girl.”

That’s the last thing I hear before I’m dragged under.

Chapter Eleven

Six months later…


It’s night when I finally step into my home, holding my Little girl in my arms. She’s still asleep, and I’m so eager to see her pretty brown eyes. I’m not eager to face her wrath, though. I’m certain it won’t be pretty.

She should wake up soon. It’s been long enough, but every Little is different. Some awaken from stasis so fast they aren’t even off the transport vessel. Others need several more hours.

Ava is sucking hard on her pacifier, but that tells me nothing. She’s been sucking it almost nonstop for six months. I’m not sure I’ll be able to pry it from her. Even in stasis, she was distressed enough to squirm around and suckle hard as though she needed the comfort.

She’s going to be hungry, so I drop my bag in my bedroom and head for the fridge to grab a premade bottle. My place is spotless because a cleaning crew came in earlier in the day to air everything out and prepare for my arrival. That’s part of the service provided for males who are gone a year to claim a mate.

After I warm the bottle, I stroll toward Ava’s nursery. I stand in the threshold looking around. I’m the one who set it up before I left, but I’ve nearly forgotten what I chose. Ironically the room is a lovely soft pink color that will match the morganite stones I’m convinced will look perfect on Ava’s nipples.

I have no idea if she will like pink or not, but I suspect no matter what color scheme I chose, she will tell me she hates it. Except in a brief conversation she would have overheard between me and Dankin, I didn’t have a chance to explain to Ava what to expect when she awoke.

I’m braced for drama, though it can’t be too bad at first. She won’t even have the ability to speak. She will, however, have enough understanding to be furious and let it be known with her eyes.

The great room is illuminated by a small lamp on an end table, and I set the bottle there before sitting in the recliner where I will most often sit when I hold and rock Ava. I situate her so she’ll be as comfortable as possible, careful not to let her head loll back too far.

I stroke her soft skin, staring down at her. She’s here. She’s finally here. My Little girl. My mate. The female I will spend the rest of my life with. She’s mine to cherish and protect, to love and worship, to discipline and spoil.

Hard times are ahead, but I’m confident in a few weeks, things will fall into place. I did a lot of reading on this subject on the way home. I was worried about her defiance and how stubborn she is. Was it at all possible that Fate made a poor choice?

My research indicated that Fate does not make mistakes. Fate also does not choose any mates that aren’t suitable for life on Eleadia. It’s not that any random human female could make the transition. There are millions who don’t have the temperament.

Apparently there are also millions who are perfectly suited for a deeply submissive life on another planet, but it takes some longer to accept their new life.

My Little girl is undoubtedly one such female.

I stroke her cheek before I lean her back a bit so I can admire her breasts. They’re slightly fuller than when we left Earth. She needed more calories than she’d been getting. Her tummy is rounder and her thighs aren’t as skinny. I’ve often wondered as I watched her fill out more if she’d been eating too little.

It’s possible. My studies indicate that of the many ridiculous customs among humans, they have an odd fixation with body weight and image. Many humans, especially females, starve themselves in order to fit what they perceive as the perfect mold.

The craziest part about humans striving to look a way that’s unnatural is that they do it to attract the attention of the other gender. Females diet and keep their bodies too skinny in order to catch the eye of males. Maybe that in and of itself wouldn’t be so strange, but the relationships females and males create on Earth are so incredibly flimsy it’s mind boggling.

Earthlings rarely mate for life, and their lives aren’t even that long. They make promises to each other, and then they don’t keep them for more than a few years.


