His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

I glance down where Papi lifts a soft cuff from the side of the seat. I swallow. My heart is racing because he’s asking me instead of forcing me. He’s a meanie. “Yes, Sir,” I whisper in defeat.

He leans forward and kisses me, hovering near my lips and holding my gaze. “Please restrain my wrists, Papi, so I can’t touch my naughty titties.”

My face heats. I gasp.

He waits.

I really need the restraints. It’s the oddest feeling. If someone would have asked me two days ago if I would enjoy pain or bondage or any other form of BDSM, I would have laughed in their face. Now I’m finding out I have deep seated cravings I never knew existed.

Papi continues to wait.

Finally I give in, even though it embarrasses me. “Please restrain my wrists so I can’t play with my naughty titties, Papi,” I whisper.

“Good girl.” He obliges as if I’ve made a legitimate request and he’s honoring it for me. It’s twisted, and my tummy is doing flips as he cuffs me to the seat.

When he’s done, he grabs a pacifier and taps my lips. “Suckle for me, Little one. It will help you get through the pain.”

I open my mouth and accept the pacifier. That’s another thing I could never have imagined. Not only do I let him give it to me, but I start sucking hard. It soothes me. I crave the sensation. Every time I finish taking a bottle, I find myself craving the pacifier so I can keep sucking.

Diapers, bottles, cribs, changing tables… All of this is in my future. This is my future. I will live as Papi’s Little girl in a fully regressed environment. Will it always be like this? Will I not work?

Suddenly, I realize I haven’t thought for a moment about work. My job… Oh, Lord. I push the pacifier out so it falls onto my lap. “What happens to my job?” I ask.

“Club Zoom takes care of letting everyone know you were chosen and won’t be returning. But I do have a suggestion, and this is one of those times when I will give you permission to decide for yourself.”

I’m shocked. Decide for myself? This should be interesting.

“Your friends were very upset that you were taken from the club unconscious and unable to even say goodbye to them.”

I wince. How the hell have I not thought of this before now? I feel guilty for not thinking about Tanya and Misha. “Oh my God. How could I forget my friends?”

Papi strokes my cheek. “You’ve been dealing with a lot, Little one. You haven’t had a chance to process everything that’s happened to you let alone consider the past you won’t be returning to.”

“What happens to my apartment?”

“Club Zoom handles everything, Little one. But I would like to offer you the opportunity to call your friends. It’s a bit out of the ordinary. We don’t usually let our mates make contact with Earth after they’ve left. But you were unconscious and didn’t even have a chance to sign the waiver to give you entry into the club.”

My breath hitches. “And they let you take me anyway?”

“They didn’t have a choice, Baby girl. You were mine. I scented you the moment a door opened between the club floor where I was located and the office where you fainted. Nothing would have stopped me from taking you after I inhaled your scent. No one could have stopped me. That’s how it works.”

“My friends must be so worried.”

“Would you like to call them?”

“You can make phone calls from the spaceship?”

“We have the technology to do so, yes. I could even set up a video, but I won’t do that. I don’t think you want your friends to see you with pigtails and no clothes.” He grins.

I shake my head. “Definitely not.”

“I will monitor you, Baby girl. You may not tell your friends anything about the ship or the particulars of your new life. You may only use the call to reassure them you are healthy so they won’t worry.”

I chew on my bottom lip. Do I want to call them? I will end up crying. A clean break would probably be easier, but my friends deserve to hear my voice, and I wouldn’t want to regret it later. “Okay, Papi.” I sigh. “I wonder if someone already told my boss. He’s going to be pissed.”

“Where did you work, Little one?”

“I’m an air traffic controller. Do you know what that is?”

A strange slow smile spreads across his face. “I sure do. Oddly enough I have a similar job myself on Eleadia. I’m a communications manager for people traveling to and from Earth. I coordinate with the mothership and manage incoming and outgoing flights on both ends.”

“Maybe I could get a job working for the same place,” I say excitedly before I frown and remember that Papi said I will not ever wear clothes. How could I work if I weren’t wearing clothes? “Do women work on your planet?”


