Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)
I chuckle. “You’ll get used to it.” I can’t resist the urge to stroke her naked folds. Her skin is so soft. I bend forward and kiss her pussy, lingering to draw in her scent and nuzzle her folds.
I lift off her. I don’t want to torment her further right now. I unfasten the strap across her hips, grab a soft diaper from the pile on the shelf, and lift her hips to slide it under her.
She’s panting, and her legs are shaking, but she gasps and arches her hips off the table. “What are you doing?” Her voice is shrill.
I grab a second tube of ointment and quickly apply it to her folds. “You’ll need to go potty soon, Baby girl.” Before she can fuss further, I wrap the soft material around her bottom and fasten it at her hips.
She shakes her head back and forth. “No…”
I release her hands and lift her into my arms.
She wiggles in my embrace and pushes against me with her palms. “No, Papi. No.”
I tuck her inner arm against me and clasp her other wrist, circling it with my fingers to keep her from fighting me. “Deep breaths, Baby girl.”
She flails and shakes her head faster. “Don’t tell me to breathe. Put me down. I don’t want to do this. I won’t.”
I glance around, spot a bottle on the table next to the rocking chair, and quickly sit, keeping Clara secure against me. This was bound to happen. It’s not uncommon. In fact, most Little girls balk at being diapered. Human females are not accustomed to this practice. They only wear diapers for the first few years of life.
Our females are diapered for the rest of their lives. Clara will learn to empty her bladder and her bowels into the soft material. She will learn to rely on me to change her and take care of her every need. But it’s not surprising that she’s stressed upon learning about this.
“I can’t use a diaper, Kalbrac. I can’t.”
I flinch when she uses my name instead of calling me Papi. She’s doing so to assert her dominance, but there will be no room for anything but submission from her in our relationship. Her natural inclination is to submit to me, but she doesn’t fully realize that, nor is she willing to accept it yet.
I roll her so that our chests are touching and kiss her temple. It’s not difficult to secure her small body no matter how hard she struggles to free herself from my grip. “You can, Little one. You’ll get used to it.”
“No…” She tries harder, squirming with all her might. If I were standing and I released her, she would get injured falling to the floor. She’s far too small, and I’m seven foot six. I’m sitting now, rocking gently. I won’t let her go, though. She doesn’t understand that I will carry her everywhere for a while. Her feet won’t touch the floor while we’re on the mothership and not for a few weeks after we return home, either. She won’t have the strength after the six-month journey.
I bring my lips to her neck and lick the sweet spot behind her ear.
She jerks her head away from my mouth. “No,” she shouts, squirming harder. “You can’t get your way by sticking me with that vampire thingy.”
I lean her back and look into her eyes. “No doesn’t belong in your vocabulary, Little one. You will obey Papi because my rules are for your own safety and protection.”
She shakes her head. “I’m not a baby, and I don’t follow rules.”
“You’re my Little girl, Clara, forever and always. I know it goes against everything you’ve ever believed to be true, but you know as deep in your soul as I do that you’re mine to love and protect for the rest of our lives.”
She pushes her bottom lip out in a pout that makes me chuckle. It’s so cute.
“I need to feed you so you can rest before the surgery, Little one. You can either stop fighting Papi and take your bottle like a good girl, or I can turn you over my knee and spank you first. Either way, you will still take a bottle and go down for a nap.”
She gasps. Not surprising. Her pretty eyes bug out again. “You can’t spank me, and I don’t take bottles.”
“From now on, you will take bottles. I won’t introduce foods from our planet to you for a long time. The formula you will suckle is perfectly created to keep you healthy. And as for spanking, I can and I will swat your pretty bottom when you misbehave. Spankings help Little girls learn to obey their Papis.”
Her jaw drops open. She blinks several times. “I want to go home,” she finally murmurs, sniffling.
My heart clenches. I know she doesn’t really mean it, but it still hurts. I want her to feel so bonded to me that going home never enters her mind. I stroke her back. “I’m sorry, Little one. Your home is with me now, forever. Eleadians do not ever part from their mates.”