His Hart’s Command Read Online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #6)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 432(@200wpm)___ 346(@250wpm)___ 288(@300wpm)

Hart was pressed against the back cushion, gazing up at him in pleasant surprise. “You really are something else, you know that?” Hart’s smile always touched his heart.

“And I’m your boyfriend,” Free added. He wanted to say that word over and over, all night. His first boyfriend at age thirty-six. A mature, sexy, hella-large, but super sweet bear of his very own. Finally.

“Then let’s do what boyfriends do.” Hart’s hands kneaded his ass through his work pants.

Free leaned forward and pecked his lips, liking the sound of that, too…but first. Free reached over and took a paper napkin from the TV tray and turned back toward Hart’s beard. He had a few flakes of naan caught in the wispy hairs. He gently parted a section and easily plucked the tiny piece of crispy dough then dropped it into the napkin. “We’re gonna do a lot of things boyfriends do, love. Starting tonight. Like finishing dinner, then watching a movie…then going to bed.”

Hart’s hands were tight on his waist while Free spoke, while he removed the last bits of flatbread from his beard for him. When he was done, he carefully raked his fingers through it, becoming mesmerized once again. So perfect.

“Now. Let’s decide on a movie. I like horror myself but…” Free’s voice trailed off and his fingers fell from Hart’s beard when he stared up into frozen eyes.

“What…what’s the matter?” he stammered. Hart was staring at him as if he was overwhelmed.

“Nothing. Sorry. I um.” Hart cleared his throat, “It’s just. I like it when you touch me like that. I’ve always wanted that.”

“You should know by now how much I love it,” Free said softly, noting how raw Hart’s voice sounded.

“I do know. I don’t doubt you anymore, Len. But when you did that just now…with the crumbs. You did it like it was something so simple, just chatting away, with no clue that you’re making me fall so damn hard for you.” Hart huffed a shaky breath, as if he was trying to keep himself together.

“Ivan,” Free breathed. He had to kiss him. He wanted to tell him that he’d been falling for him for quite some time, but he wanted Hart to know he wasn’t just saying it back because he’d said it. Free leaned in and kissed him like Hart liked to be kissed. He held his beard in one hand and the back of his smooth head with the other. This kiss was as heated as the spices that lingered on Hart’s tongue.

Hart reached over the side of the chair and pressed a button that made it whirr quietly and recline them until they were almost lying flat. Oh yes. The kiss slowed until Free broke apart, panting softly. He caressed the other cheek staring into Hart’s eyes. “I’ve been falling for you, Ivan. I have. I…”

Hart was watching him back with the most incredibly hopeful expression he’d ever seen. And he knew his confession would be safe. He gave him one more kiss that he ended quickly. “Ivan. I—”

The doorbell rang. Hart’s grumbled irritation vibrated both their chests. It was probably Steele with his RV. Free hadn’t moved. His first declaration of love was going to have to wait a moment, but damn he didn’t want to move. Hart squeezed him making him moan and move his hips.

“Mmmmm. You better stop,” Hart rasped.

The doorbell rang.

“I wanna tell you what I have to say,” Free said, going for a spot on Hart’s collarbone.

Hart rubbed his back, cupped his ass and held it there while Free ground down on him. “Damn, baby.”

“I wanna tell you,” Free moaned.

The doorbell rang again.

Hart nudged his forehead against Free’s jaw, “You will. But, first you gotta get the door, or else they’re gonna come beating on the windows.”

Free clenched his teeth as Hart brought the recliner to an upright position. “Get rid of them fast,” Hart ordered.

Free gave him a hungry look and nodded, hurriedly righting his shirt and pants as he made his way to the front door. When he opened it, he hadn’t been expecting to see Steele, Tech and his boss, Day, to be standing there. Feeling a little self-conscious as they smirked at him like clever cats, he stuck his hand out for the keys Tech dangled on one finger.

“Hope we’re not interrupting. What took you so long to answer the door?” Tech grinned.

Free’s face warmed. Because I was trying to tell my boyfriend that I loved him before your impeccable timing ruined it. “We were in the den, and we just finished dinner, thank you so much for bringing my house, I’ll see you guys in the morning, have a good night.” Free ran on in one long sentence with a smile, all while quickly trying to close the door. Steele casually wedged his combat boot in the crack before it could shut.


