His for the Taking (Men in Charge #5) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors: Series: Men in Charge Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 52598 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 263(@200wpm)___ 210(@250wpm)___ 175(@300wpm)

“Ugh, where do I begin? First off, babysitting his daughter, easy peasy. She’s adorable, funny, and keeps me busy, so it makes time fly by. Jameson, on the other hand, sears me with one look, gives me mixed signals, and doles out amazing orgasms. I’m talking off the Richter scales, and he only used his fingers.” Kari’s eyebrows are nearly to her hairline. A slow smile cross her face. My best friend is conjuring something, and I’m going to hear about it for a good long while.

“Okay, so he gave you the best orgasm of the century, then what happened?” she questions, grabbing the glass of red wine and taking a healthy sip.

“I tried to repay the favor. He told me no. There was no reason to stick around, so I went home, and I’m currently ignoring his text messages.” I slam my head back against the stacked pillows. Maybe it’ll knock some common sense into my head. Yeah, that’s not likely to happen. Goose feathers are too soft to land any real blow to my thick skull.

“Hmm, there are a few reasons why he’d say no. And he texted you?” Maybe I’m overanalyzing everything. Maybe I should be thankful for the orgasm. And maybe I should forget everything that ever happened.

“Yes, he asked if I made it home. I didn’t respond, and now he’s texting again.” I see the alert appear on the top of our screen.

Jameson: I owe you an apology. Meet me at The Java Hut so we can talk?

“What did he say? Oh my gosh, it’s like you don’t know me at all. Kody Michelle Goodwin, answer me now, woman,” Kari demands.

“He wants to apologize and meet for coffee. Ugh. I can’t do this. I’m not doing this. The first guy I actually feel something for after a loveless marriage, and he’s another asshole. I’m done. No more. I’m sticking with my toy. At least they don’t give me whiplash.” I go on a wild tangent, Kari listening to me the entire time like the best friend she absolutely is. Except her watchful eye is seeing more than I want to let on, and I’m about to get a mouthful.

“Okay, shut up with the no man thing. There’s a guy out there for you who will absolutely treat you the way you deserve. It’s also clear you feel something toward Jameson. Maybe you’re overthinking things?” Kari hits the nail on the head. Overthink, overanalyze, the story of my damn life. And when did Kari become the voice of reason? Usually, she’s the overreactor while I try to calm her down. “Answer his text, meet him, and if you don’t like what he has to say, at least you’ll get the closure. Now text him back while we’re on the phone, or I know you won’t.”

“Yes, mother.” I pause the screen and type out a response.

Me: Sure, can you meet in an hour?

“There, it’s done. Now I have an hour to prepare myself, and I’m going to need the entire time.” My hair is a tangled mess, makeup is going to be a must to hide my circles, and then there’s making a decision on what to wear.

“Good. I want a call immediately after. Unless he takes you back to his place and fucks you hard.” Always the demanding one between the two of us.

“I will, and I promise our next call will be more about you instead of all about me. Again.” Nothing like drama on top of drama. It wasn’t always like this, but lately, my life has been one thing after another.

“Thank you. Oh, by the way, Johnny and I are trying for a baby. Love you. Talk soon.” Kari hits the end button after dropping that little bombshell. I immediately send her a text, knowing I don’t have time to hit the call button repeatedly and her taking at least eighteen times before she finally answers.

Me: Kari, first of all, OH MY GOSH, I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS! Secondly, have fun practicing, and keep your phone handy because we are talking asap. I love you lots!

I throw my phone on the bed, kick the covers off my body, and get my ass in gear. It’s time to be presentable while also making Jameson realize what an ass he’s been to me.



“No, no, no.” Josephine is clinging to my neck as I’m trying to leave her at my parents in order to meet up with Kody. “I go wif.” I look up at my mom. I fucked up, a rookie mistake in parenting. You never tell them who you’re going to see or where you’re going if you need time away without a little one. JoJo caught wind that I was hitting The Java Hut with Kody after I dropped her off at my parents’, and now here we are.


