Here Comes Trouble Read Online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #3)

Categories Genre: Action, Chick Lit, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 89928 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 450(@200wpm)___ 360(@250wpm)___ 300(@300wpm)

“I’m not going to kill her grandson… or even you Ruxsberg.” Jacobs sneered nastily. “I’m going to take the one you love.”

Ruxs’ eyes widened. If this bastard thought he was going to let him shoot his partner, his best friend, his love: he had another thing coming. Ruxs’ hand inched behind him.

“Not yet.” A deep, hushed growl came from behind him. God better have a plan, because Ruxs was ready to shoot.

“It’s just us in this parking lot Jacobs. It’s not too late. Don’t do this. Don’t end it like this. Put the gun down. Let us get you some help, help you get your woman back.”

“Shut the fuck up, Green. I’m not listening to a dead man. She’s not coming back to me and I ain’t going to no goddamn rehab. What me and Gloria had was perfect,” Jacobs yelled, his hand shaking that pistol next to their son’s head.

Ruxs looked Curtis in the eye, held him pinned there. He had tears coming down his red cheeks but he was still as a statue except for when Jacobs jostled him. He had a dark bruise up high on his cheekbone and a cut over his right eye, just deep enough for blood to ooze down the side of his face, like Jacobs had hit him with the butt of the gun.

“Curtis, son, we’re gonna get out of this. You have to listen to me,” Ruxs spoke calmly.

“Shut up!” Jacobs yelled. Still keeping his head strategically positioned behind Curtis’

“Faster,” Day hissed behind him.

“Son. Remember all those sparring matches you watched between me and your dad in the gym?” Ruxs spoke faster.

Curtis didn’t respond but Ruxs saw his mind working. His son was brilliant; he’d pick up on what he was trying to say… he had to. Please. He has to. “Your dad has this irritating move he always does and I can never stop it. No matter how much I anticipate it, it always works.”

Ruxs saw the moment Curtis realized what he was saying. It was a risk, but this was the only way for all of them to get out of this situation, to even have a chance. He could feel Green tensed and ready next to him, could sense God, Day and Syn primed to react.

As soon as Curtis eyes closed tight and his head bent forward, Ruxs and Green both pulled their weapons at the same time Curtis slammed the back of his head into the bridge of Jacobs’ nose, stunning him. Curtis crouched slightly and rammed his sharp elbow into one of Jacobs’ ribs as hard as could. When Jacobs howled at the pain, caught off guard by the quick move, his weapon fired in their direction. He kept firing his pistol rapidly as he scrambled to get behind his car.

Ruxs and Green ducked behind the concrete pillars, but neither fired a shot, nor did their bosses behind them… not until Curtis spun out of the way and dropped down to the ground.

The next shots that were heard sounded like cannons firing. Two Desert Eagles shooting simultaneously sounded like lighting striking right beside you, producing a boom of thunder strong enough to pulverize your bones. The bullets tore into the Buick, shattering all the windows. Day was beside God, firing his chrome 9mms expertly in rapid succession, both of them moving in unison toward the large truck in the middle of the parking lot. Getting a better position. They became the notorious two-man firing squad that they were. Syn and Green fired from another angle trying to provide enough cover for Ruxs to get to Curtis, since Jacobs was now crouched behind the car, shooting aimlessly over the hood.

Ruxs was already on the ground, gravel scratching up his hands as he crab walked/ran across the parking lot over to Curtis while bullets whizzed by him. His son was yelling in pain from the noise of the gunshots. His hands were over his ears while he lay crouched in a ball on the hard concrete. More shots was fired as Ruxs threw his huge body over his son’s, covering him completely. The screech of tires barely registered in his mind seconds before he heard the loud crash of two vehicles colliding with each other. A horn blared and sirens roared in the distance.

Ruxs didn’t move, even after the gunshots had stopped, his son still crying and shaking beneath him. He didn’t move until he heard Green’s voice in his ear telling him it was all right. Strong hands were pulling at him. “It’s okay Mark. It’s over. Let him up, get off him so we can make sure he’s okay.”

Ruxs’ own body shook with nerves, fear, and sheer adrenaline. He crawled up to his aching knees and looked down at his boy. As soon as Curtis lowered his hands and looked up at them, he bolted up off the pavement and threw his arms around Ruxs and Green’s necks. Hugging them both to him, crying into their chests.


