Her Shameful Education Read Online Emily Tilton

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 61287 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 306(@200wpm)___ 245(@250wpm)___ 204(@300wpm)



I turned on the video feed from the master bathroom on my office computer. The AI agent in my home management system found Renee and Candy without my even needing to search—all the lucky owner of a concubine had to do these days to keep tabs on her was to tap her picture on the home screen. In a microsecond, if it even took that long, the remarkably arousing sight of my two bed girls in the shower together filled the screen.

My office occupied its own building on the grounds of my nineteenth-century mansion: it had been built as a carriage house and within a few years of the home’s construction it had become the garage. My three cars still occupied a good deal of the ground floor, while my roomy workspace perched above with views of my house and the nearby woods on all four sides.

The view on the computer screen, however, diverted me a great deal more urgently than the lovely spring day. I got up to lower the blind on the nearest window so I could see Renee and Candy properly, their gorgeous naked bodies unobscured by glare.

I sat back down and took in the display as a whole, rather than letting my eyes be drawn, as my atavistic alpha instincts urged, to the figures in the video window that occupied the majority of the screen’s real estate.

“Why don’t we start by hugging?” Candy asked in her always cheerful tone, her voice clearly audible over the rush of warm water from the twelve showerheads that sprayed the naked girls both from above and on three sides. They had gotten themselves nice and clean, first of all; I had greatly enjoyed the sight of Renee biting her lip as she had rubbed her pussy with the soapy washcloth, a mixture of discomfort and awakening arousal on her face. Now Candy began the seduction with her frank suggestion, at the same time putting her hands on Renee’s slim hips, and turning the new girl toward her.

Instead of watching what happened in the video window—as my slowly hardening cock understandably suggested—I turned my eyes to the evolving flow of information on the other side of the screen. Not as arousing, perhaps, but from an intellectual perspective even more interesting.

Also, if I did my job as Renee’s owner well, more likely to make both of us happy with her sexual service to me—as well as with the progress she would make here in my house toward an independent life of personal growth and, just as important as far as I was concerned, sexual fulfillment.

That principle, the idea that an Institute concubine was sold to a dominant not merely for his sexual pleasure, or even for their mutual enjoyment of her shameful service in his bed, served as the bedrock of my philosophy. It made my job as head of Selecta’s education division feel to me like less of a job, or even a career, and more like a mission to save the world—or at least to save those in the world who felt the reciprocal needs Renee and I felt.

So my innate dominant arousal might be telling me to look at the gorgeous, slick, embracing flesh of the girls getting to know one another in the shower, but my real passion—and my swiftly growing affection for Renee—drew my eyes to the data feed scrolling down the window on the upper right side of my screen.

Most important, right now, I had to decide when I would go back over to the house and play with my new toy—and whether I would do it with or without the help of my slightly older but still very shiny toy.

As measured by the microscopic sensor placed without Renee’s knowledge between her vagina and her anus, my new toy’s arousal level currently fluctuated between seven and nine out of ten. Reading the ceaseless data generated by all the various kinds of biometric sensors Selecta could deploy didn’t represent a specialty of mine, though I could generally learn a fair amount from looking at the raw numbers, whether they came from a perineal sensor or from, say, an infrared camera in combination with a voice analyzer. Thankfully, the latest version of the Institute assessment bot—a neural net that had been trained to do the most basic work of an assessment team—made up for the analytic skills I lacked.

The bot, which the assessors themselves had nicknamed AssBot in an uncharacteristically juvenile—I thought, anyway—moment, put its comments in the window that occupied the lower right corner of the screen.

Current fluctuation in Renee’s arousal, combined with skin galvanics, probably (87% certainty) represents reaction to uncertainty in Candy’s intentions toward her. I theorize (53% certainty): cognitive function (slightly) impairing arousal cycle, as Renee tries to discern her master’s intentions behind Candy’s.


