Her Seductive Enemy – Sheikh Breaks My Heart Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 59308 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 297(@200wpm)___ 237(@250wpm)___ 198(@300wpm)

And soon – God, it had better be fucking soon – the game would come to its lustful end; his mouth would finally have the kiss it craved to taste, his fingers would cease to itch upon feeling the silky texture of her skin, and most importantly of all, his cock would finally stop aching the moment it sheathed itself in her warm, moist, virginal pussy.

A mild frown marred Rayyan’s forehead at the way Tarif’s dark gaze followed Anisah’s retreating back until she disappeared into one of the gallery’s exits. He had never interfered in his cousin’s affairs – never thought, cared, or had a reason to – but this was different.

And so for the first time in so many years, the sheikh found himself breaking one of his most-prized rules: never go on a limb for anyone outside the family.

“Anisah is not the kind of woman one should toy with, brother.”

Tarif’s face became expressionless at the slight edge in the other man’s words. “Whether that’s the case or not - why the interest in her?”

“She is almost like a sister to me,” Rayyan answered evasively. “I would not want to see her hurt unnecessarily.”

“If you want her as well—-”

Rayyan frowned. “What the hell are you talking about? I have never been interested in her that way.”

Tarif’s jaw clenched. He didn’t like the way he suddenly found himself doubting his cousin’s words, and that he would care about Rayyan lying in the first place was something he liked even less. There had been numerous women in the past that he and Rayyan both had been attracted to, and in those instances, competing against each other had always been more a friendly challenge than anything. Jealousy had never reared its ugly head in those days...unlike the way it did now.

The mere thought of Rayyan and Anisah flirting had him on edge, and his mood only worsened when he thought of how things might change if he were not so aggressive in seducing Anisah. After all, Rayyan was his complete opposite. Unlike Tarif, Rayyan did everything by the book and was known to live for his work. No doubt in Anisah’s eyes, then and even now, Rayyan was the better man.

Even his own mother had thought so, so why wouldn’t Anisah as well?

The thought made his expression harden, and Tarif heard himself say, “Actually, forget I said anything.” He had already made a fool of himself one too many times in his desperate need to seek his mother’s approval. He would not let his history repeat itself again. “How you think about Anisah Kahveci has nothing to do with me.”

Ah, fuck. Knowing that things could only get worse if he allowed Tarif to draw the wrong conclusion, Rayyan said tautly, “You misunderstand.”

Tarif’s lip curled. “Did I?”

“I wouldn’t lie about something like this, brother.”

“And yet you treat her differently from the rest—-”

“Because she’s Hyacinth’s sister,” Rayyan admitted heavily.

It took more than a moment for Tarif to get past his incredulity. “Hyacinth? This is all because of Anisah’s sister?”

“Yes,” Rayyan bit out. “So do you get it now?”

This time, the truth in Rayyan’s words was unquestionable, and tension slackened its grip on Tarif’s powerful form. Shaking his head, he muttered testily, “You should have simply said so in the first place.”

“Easy for you to say,” Rayyan snarled under his breath. “You weren’t the one being hounded by a seventeen-year-old—-”

Tarif was stunned. “That long?” As vast as the palace was, it also operated no different from a small town in the sense that everyone knew everyone’s business. He couldn’t even begin to think of the things that Rayyan and Hyacinth Kahveci had to do in order to keep their involvement a secret for years.

When Tarif looked back at his cousin, Rayyan said, “Back at you, brother.”

“Eafi?” Pardon?

Rayyan’s lips twisted. “I’m saying I’d rather you forget I said anything as well.”

The two sheikhs stared at each other, their faces yielding nothing beyond their expressionless masks.

“How much does Hyacinth Kahveci matter to you?”

“Probably as much as her sister means to you.”

“If I agree to keeping your secret, do I also have your word that you will refrain from interfering in my business?”

Rayyan’s lips pressed together in a tight line. “I cannot make such a promise – you know that.”

The utter ruthlessness in which Tarif pursued Anisah had not escaped him or the other sheikhs, and the knowledge had left them struggling to determine the right thing to do. As innocent as Anisah was, she was also an adult, and while Tarif’s tactics were not in any way criminal, the other sheikh wasn’t exactly being fair either.

“Do you not think you are taking things too far?” Rayyan asked finally. As much as he wanted to interfere, he knew he would only do so as a last resort, and now wasn’t the right time for it.


