Her All Along Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 122966 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 615(@200wpm)___ 492(@250wpm)___ 410(@300wpm)

I was fucking proud of her. Year after year, she tackled her insecurities and pushed herself to do better—to do what everyone else around her was doing. She refused to fall behind.

Once the swimmers from the first heat were out of the water, Pipsqueak and the others got ready.

“Take your mark,” a distorted voice ordered. The official sounded like a robot.

“Why the fuck am I nervous?” Darius leaned forward, planting his elbows on his thighs, and he cracked his knuckles.

I folded my arms over my chest, nervous myself, and watched Pipsqueak get into her starting position up on the block. Fingers touched the edge of the block lightly, one foot crept back for leverage.

The instant the signal blared, my pulse went through the roof. The six swimmers dove in, and I zeroed in on Pipsqueak’s lane. The middle lane, to be exact. She resurfaced after a forceful dolphin kick and sliced through the water with perfect elegance.

“She’s faster than this,” I heard James say. “Why’s she takin’ it easy?”

“Because she’s smart,” Ethan replied. “Hundred yards on a short-course ain’t for sprinters. She’s saving her strength.”

I bit my thumbnail like a goddamn child and hoped he was right.

For the first two laps, Pipsqueak was last or second to last.

But then something happened. With two turns down, she kicked off from the wall with more force than before, and when she resurfaced, she took one breath. That was it. Her head didn’t turn again until she was almost about to turn once more. And by then, she was in third place.

“Holy shit.” Before I knew it, both Ethan and I were standing up.

“Go, Elise!” Ethan let out a sharp whistle. “Push it! You’re almost there!”

“Look at my girl go!” James hollered.

She’d stopped breathing again, and the sprint was on.

The bleachers erupted in cheers and claps, and I just barely managed to tear my gaze away to make sure Darius was holding on to Willow before I refixed my stare. Pipsqueak was in second place, and then she was in fucking first place, and I couldn’t fucking believe it. She slammed a hand against the touchpad on the wall like the motherfucking winner she was.

I whistled sharply and applauded with the others.


I glanced down at Darius and instantly noticed Willow was too overwhelmed to stay.

“I gotta get her home,” he said.

James heard that and peered around Ethan. “What’s wrong? Sweetheart, you wanna sit here with me?”

Willow didn’t respond at all. She was shutting down.

There was a rapid debate on who was going to take her home, but it was a simple decision to me. They were here to watch their daughter and sister; I could take care of Willow.

“Both of you stay,” I told them. “Come on, hon. I’ll get you out of here.” I helped her on her feet, and she snuck close. I knew what she needed, but I hoped she could wait until we were in the parking lot.

“You sure, man?” Darius hesitated.

“No problem. I’ll stay with her for a bit. Tell Pipsqueak I’ll see her later.”

Sensing that Willow couldn’t stay another second, I began ushering her down from the bleachers.

There would be other meets, so I wasn’t too bothered by leaving. Additionally, the others were going to wait approximately an hour before Pipsqueak’s next heat.

Lastly, fuck the humidity in here.

As soon as we were outside, I guided Willow over to an empty spot and dutifully hugged her tightly to me. The fresh air felt ridiculously good, though I knew the cold would get to us sooner rather than later. Washington in February wasn’t a great place to leave your jacket in the car. The only thing stupider would’ve been to bring it into the pool complex.

“Pinch me if you want space, hon.”

It would be a while before she could communicate, both verbally and through sign language. Unlike the rest of the family, who were fairly fluent in ASL, I’d only learned the bare minimum to be able to handle emergencies.

While I held her, I pulled out my phone to fire off a text to Pipsqueak. I didn’t want her to think I’d left because I didn’t want to see her.

So fucking proud of you, Pipsqueak. My heart was racing the whole time. :) Had to take your sister home, but stop by tomorrow if you don’t have plans. I’m home all day.

I had a feeling she’d shut down tonight and go to bed early.


The following Tuesday, I met up with Taylor at a Starbucks in the Valley, and I’d already decided to end our little…whatever I could call it. It didn’t feel right anymore, and frankly, I wanted to walk away before anything happened that destroyed the progress I’d made. She hadn’t hurt me; I hadn’t hurt her.

After I’d paid for our beverages, we found an empty corner, and I started off like I usually did—by giving her a report on Keira.


