Heavy Shot – Nashville Assassins Next Generation Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 107687 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 431(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

I walk over, and when she spots me, her eyes dance with mine. Oh yeah, this is going to be a lot of fun. She stands up once I reach her, and we embrace tightly.

“It’s good to see you,” she says against my chest, her fingers bouncing along my back.

“Same, Em. You look incredible.” I step back, taking her in. I hold her hands, getting a look at her beautiful body. “Not a kid anymore.”

She waggles her brows at me, smiling from ear to ear. “Nope. And wow. You’ve put on a lot of muscle, haven’t you?”

I nod proudly. “About twenty pounds.”

“I can tell,” she says, squeezing my bicep, and heat surges straight to my gut as she grins up at me. “The mustache is top-notch.”

I grin widely. “Katarina had the gall to say that Maverick the movie had called to ask for it back!”

She snorts. “Sounds like Kat. How is she?”

“Spawn of Satan. How are your siblings?”

Emery nods. “Same. Though, I’m sure they’d say that about me.”

“Oh, for sure,” I tease, and she grins.

“Have you been here yet?”

“No. First time,” I answer as she sits back down. Once she’s seated, I take the seat beside her, looking around the posh establishment. Wooden barrels make up the tables of huge, dark booths. The bar takes up most of the place, with large barrels and wineglasses everywhere. Along the stone walls are shelves holding the wine collections belonging to family members. The lighting is low and romantic, but the place is busy and loud. Big TVs hang from the ceiling, baseball playing as people eat and enjoy one another’s company.

I used to go to places like this back home, but at that time, I didn’t have any ambition or any goals. I’d get black-out drunk and sleep with any willing woman. I’m not like that now. I’ve turned over a new leaf, as my mother says. “It’s nice.”

“Yeah, my mom has put a lot of work into it,” she says, leaning on her hand and fluttering those long lashes at me. “The food is awesome, and of course, the wine is delectable.”

I flash her a half grin. “Can you even drink?”

Her smile turns sheepish as she shakes her head. “Not legally, but I can own a company.”

“Which is even more impressive—and a total turn-on,” I say with a wink.

Just then, her sister Stella comes over to us, placing a napkin in front of me.

“What can—” She pauses as soon as she recognizes me. “No shit! Dimitri!” she gushes, rising over the bar to hug me tightly. I meet her halfway, hugging her back as she kisses my cheek. I’ve always thought of Stella as a gorgeous girl, and that hasn’t changed a bit. Her style screams fashionista, just like Katarina’s. A cowboy hat adorns her head, and she wears a very stylish blue dress. I’m not surprised; she always looks good. The only difference is the huge rock on her finger. “I didn’t know you were back in town yet.”

“Got settled today,” I answer, holding on to her hand. “Man, you must have carpal tunnel from carrying this sucker around.”

Her face fills with such happiness, and I find myself envious of it. “Isn’t it beautiful? Just as perfect as the man who put it on my finger. I am so excited to see you’re coming to the wedding.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I cup her cheek. “I’m very happy for you.”

She beams. “Thank you. But please tell me my sister will not be your date.”

She cuts a look to Emery, who gives her one hell of a dirty look in return. “Um, mind ya business.”

Stella rolls her eyes. “Be careful with this one. She’s a heartbreaker.”

I chuckle. “According to my sister, I’m heartless.”

Emery gives me a very sultry half-lidded smile. “According to some, so am I.”


Stella isn’t amused. “Man, Dad is gonna have a field day with this.” Emery ignores her, but I chuckle. Their dad won’t know a thing. In and out, baby. Stella asks for my drink order before handing me a beer and wandering off.

When I turn to Emery, she holds out her glass of water, and I tip the top of my beer to it. She locks eyes with me and says, “To old friends making new memories.”

I take a long pull as her eyes stay locked with mine. I have a feeling this is a very bad idea, hooking up with Emery Brooks, but I think I don’t care. I think she’s just the reward I need for a long, hard day.

“Are you excited to be back in the States?”

I nod. “I am, but I already miss home. I’m thankful my family came.”

“Absolutely. But why did they? Do you not plan on going back?”

I shrug, surprised by that question. “I guess we always knew we’d come back to the States. My mom’s whole family lives here, and my dad’s family has gotten to see a lot of us.”


