HateMates Read Online J.D. Hollyfield

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97944 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 490(@200wpm)___ 392(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“Either way, I’m so happy for you. I knew you two would end up like this. All smoldering hot for another.”

“Ew, we are not smoldering.”

“Yes, you are. I see the way he looks at you. He practically melts you with his hot stare—”

“I’m telling Theo you called him hot. And on your wedding day.”

“Shut up, no, you won’t because you want Tate to live. And also, smoldering,” she draws out.

“Whatever. I said yes out of duress. Not even sure I’ll go through with it. How long do I have to be engaged to keep the ring when it doesn’t work out?”

“Wanna put a dress on? We can walk down together—”

“Double no way!”

“Think he’s a crier? Bet he’ll cry when you walk down the aisle.”

I ponder it. Then nod. “Yep. Total wuss. I’d look fine as hell.”

“You would.”

God, I love my best friend. “Okay, so why are we talking about Tate crying at my wedding? Isn’t this your big day?”

Fay smiles, and I can’t help but match hers, gazing at the most important human to me on this planet. My rock. My soulmate. My best friend. “I love you. I can honestly say being your best friend has changed my life. I’m not sure I would have managed another second if you hadn’t walked into that bar.”

“Shut up,” she says, taking a slow, deep breath. “You make me ruin my makeup, and I’ll make sure no one serves you at the reception. Speaking of, save all this sappy shit for then. Hate for you to run out of wonderful things to say about me during your speech.”

Oh, she doesn’t have to worry about that. The only one who should be worried is Theo. Or possibly me when he tackles and muzzles me for talking about all her ex-lovers. Hope he at least lets me get to the good part when I compliment his—

“Girls, you ready?” Fay’s mom pops her head into the bridal suite. “Your soon-to-be husband is looking pretty antsy up here. If you don’t want him to come and drag you down the aisle, I suggest hurrying it up.”

Awww. True love.

“Yep. We’re ready.”

“Okay, dear. Your father’s waiting.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Fay says, closing the door. “Well, shit. It’s time.”

“It is. You ready to bring that brute powerhouse to his knees?”

Fay grabs my hands, her smile radiating. “I got this in the bag. But first, what’s the over-under on if Tate smolders when he sees you in this dress?”

Like I said. My soulmate. “Nah, I told him he had to be a good boy. If he was, he would get a treat later. Plus, I made sure to satisfy him before I left.”

“Oh, Minds. When are you going to learn? Men like Theo and Tate, when they have women like us, they’re never sated. I’m totally taking the over on this one.”

“Whatever you say, Mrs. Monroe.”

With a smile so beautiful and bright, Fay says, “Let’s go make that name official.”


The prelude music begins, and the wedding coordinator gives me the cue to get ready. The doors open, everyone stands, and I’m met with a quaint group of friends and family. I make my way down the aisle and smile at the people I know. Smile for the camera. Smile to a little boy who’s picking his nose. When my eyes look forward and land on Tate standing in the second row, I swear the floor beneath me rumbles. The sex appeal that oozes off that man should be illegal. So should those smoldering eyes. God, he’s beautiful. A blush spreads across my cheeks at the way he looks at me. As if I’m his entire world, and the second we’re alone, he’s going to devour every inch of me. He holds my gaze hostage as I continue to walk. His hands are shoved in his pants pockets, but it’s impossible to hide the tick in his jaw or the hunger in his gaze. He’s restraining himself. Dammit, Fay is always right.

I barely make it up the aisle, my knees weak from his stare. I fear my dress will go up in flames as I pass him. When I reach the altar, I wink at Theo and pivot forward. My heart swells as my bestie makes her appearance. The sound of Theo’s intake of breath brings tears to my eyes. When she’s near, he steps forward to take her hand. Tears well fully at how transfixed he is on her. I take her bouquet and settle in place as they exchange vows. They’re beautiful and real. The entire church is wiping at their eyes. I steal a glance at Tate. It still hasn’t sunk in that he’s mine. My future. My everything.

I used to believe the only person I needed to survive was myself. That I needed to be tough because, at the end of the day, the only person I could count on was myself. That changed when I met Fay. I let her into a small space in my heart. And then I met Tate.


