Hate You Always (Western Wildcats Hockey #1) Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Western Wildcats Hockey Series by Jennifer Sucevic

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 90257 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

I’m just the guy helping her tick items off a bucket list.

It’s not like we’ll continue hanging out after everything is said and done.

Why that thought pisses me off, I don’t know.

Or maybe I do.

When he pulls her in for a hug, a red haze clouds my vision and I cut a direct path to her. It doesn’t take long to reach the small circle of people and push my way to the center. My gaze flickers from Juliette and this asshole to her father. I force a smile and thrust out my hand, shaking Brody’s before hugging Natalie.

Over the years, these people have become like second parents to me. I spent my childhood at their house, hanging on Brody’s every word, staring at his jerseys that line the walls and all the memorabilia on display in his study and in the basement.

To have such unrestricted access to a sports legend as a kid was the stuff dreams were made of. He took an interest in me at a young age and helped nurture and develop my talent. This man is a big reason I’ve achieved as much as I have. He’s been such a solid presence in my life. Especially now that he’s taken me on as a client and is guiding my career.

Well, potential career.

My gaze resettles on Juliette, and I try to strike a low-key chord, not giving away too much. “Hey.”

The way she tucks an errant lock of hair behind her ear has even more need gathering inside me. “Hi.”

“Long time no see.”

Her eyes widen. “Um, yeah. Thursday. The game.”

I smirk.

Sure, we’ll just go with that.

The guy at her side gives me a chin lift in greeting.

Juliette clears her throat as if only now remembering him. It’s enough to assuage my pride. “Sawyer, this is Ryder. You’ve met before.”



Now that my memory has been jogged, I recall meeting him several times over the years when the McKinnons would host holiday or birthday parties. His parents are family friends or something like that.

“Good to see you, man,” he says, sizing me up as he keeps an arm slung loosely around Juliette’s shoulders as if trying to stake a claim.

I don’t like it.

Not one damn bit.

“You, too. Been a couple years. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

He grins good naturedly before shrugging. “I’ll take that as a compliment. I graduated two years ago and am working at an investment firm. All that sitting around at a desk ten hours a day wasn’t doing me any favors, so I changed up my eating habits and started lifting.” He pats his toned belly. “Now, I’m in the best shape of my life.”

“You look good,” I say grudgingly, because it’s true.

“Thanks.” He glances at Juliette. “I’m trying to convince Jules that we should go out.” He gives her a little wink. “For old times’ sake.”


Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

Is he really trying to swoop in and steal my girl?

I almost wince.

This situation is so much worse than I thought.

I lift my brows and flick a steely look at her. “Is that right?”

Juliette shifts before carefully extracting herself from his hold. “I, um, need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

There’s no chance to respond before she disappears through the crowd and into the main restaurant area.

Silence falls over the pair of us before Sawyer clears his throat. “So…you play hockey at Western, huh?”

I rip my gaze away from the last place I saw Juliette before she vanished from sight. “Yeah.”

“I was just mentioning to Brody that I’d like to check out a game and watch Mav play.”

“Sounds like a plan.”


He cocks his head and leans in a bit closer. “Juliette usually shows up for them, right?”

I narrow my eyes. “Yeah. Although, I think she might be seeing someone at the moment.” That last sentence is out of my mouth before I can stop it.

He flicks a glance toward the entrance to the room as if he’s impatient for her return. “Really? That’s strange. She didn’t mention anything.”

Instead of responding, I lift my bottle and give it a shake. “Well, it was good talking to you. I need to grab a refill.”

“Yeah, me too. I’ll come—”

I walk away before he can finish that sentence. On my way out, I set the bottle on a table and head for the hallway where the restrooms are located. Instead of busting inside the small space, I fold my arms across my chest and lean against the wall, casual as fuck, which is the complete opposite of how I feel at the moment.

She doesn’t keep me waiting long.

As soon as the door swings open and she steps over the threshold, her gaze collides with mine.

Surprise morphs across her expression. “Ryder.” My name comes out sounding all breathy.

I glance behind her. “Anyone in there?”


