Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

The roommate laughed, handing over one of the sodas. “That’s fine with me. Give me one of the candies.”

Gage growled again, but tossed him one of the bags. After he settled, his soda in one hand and his popcorn situated beside him, he leaned down once more. “For real, how are you?”

I waved him off. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Casey did. “A woman was really nice and two guys gave us their seats. It was a good reception.”

“Cool.” He eyed me. “You’re okay, though?”

I nodded. A big knot formed when we first came to the game, and some of it had loosened by the time we sat, but I was feeling emotions I didn’t understand. I didn’t want to dwell on them. I just wanted to watch the game.

Once it started, no one paid me attention.

It became all about Shay and the team. He threw three touchdowns, running a fourth in himself, and Linde helped smash his way through for that last one. My voice was hoarse by the time the game ended, and there was a bittersweet feeling that swept over the crowd. Some were drunk and cheering like mad, while others were clapping with a somber expression on their features. They stood at the end for the team. They were done. Their last game was complete.

There wasn’t a huge celebratory feel to the atmosphere, but I knew there’d be lots of partying going on that night.

Gage asked, “What are you and Shay doing tonight?”

I shook my head. “We haven’t talked about it.”

“Mom went home this morning.”


“She took the van. I figured we could take your car back or my car tomorrow.”

We began following Casey out. Kristina was behind me, and Sarah and Laura were already off talking to other people. I doubted they’d go back to the girls’ dorm rooms with us, opting to go straight for a party instead.

I said to my brother, “Maybe we should all go out for breakfast tomorrow, too. One last hurrah before heading home for break.”

Casey glanced back at me. “Were you able to finish all your exams and finals?”

“Yeah. I took a little hit on one presentation, but it wasn’t much.”

“You’re feeling okay? Being around everyone?”

The truth was, there was a cold trickle of sweat going down my back, but that was it. Gage was walking behind me, Casey and Kristina on either side of me, and I knew it was all purposeful. They were shielding me.

They came up from behind before.

Someone could slip through. I’d never see them coming, but I could walk forward and still breathe at the same time in this formation. I looked back, my eyes meeting my brother’s. A knowing look passed between us, and I answered Kristina, “I’m better than I expected.”

He dipped his chin down to me.

I mouthed “thank you” to him.


All of us paused. I froze, but felt relief flood me when it was only Missy. Holly and the cousin were with her, along with another girl.

“Hey!” Missy wore a warm smile as she came toward us. “I didn’t know you were coming to the game.”

My things had been packed away in the minivan already. They’d be brought back in a month when I’d move into a triple room with Casey and Kristina. The room change had been approved, but I thought she had left this past week.

“You, too. I thought you went home yesterday.”

“Oh.” She shook her head, gesturing to Holly. “We’re sticking around for the weekend, going back on Sunday.” She saw Gage and paused, frowning. Her eyebrows pinched together. “You’re . . .”

“Oh!” My one secret that remained a secret. “This is my brother.”

Holly noted, her eyes wide in awe, “You’re Gage Clarke.”

Gage nodded, his arm coming around my shoulders. “I am. I’m famous. I’m Kennedy’s brother.”

“You were in my stats class.”

Gage nodded like he already knew this. I knew he didn’t. He said, “Hope you did better than I did. Mr. Trellyps was not a fan of mine.”

“Yeah . . .”

This was why I kept it a secret all semester, or tried. This look of shock, awe, and something else darker in Holly’s gaze.

Missy said, “Your brother is Gage Clarke, and I’m kicking myself now for not putting the two together.”

Holly’s cheeks reddened, and she glanced away.

Missy added, “And you’re dating Shay Coleman.” She shook her head, her eyes narrowing at me. “You’re like a stranger. I thought I knew who you were.”

Kristina shifted closer to me, but it was Casey who spoke up. “Ever thought maybe she did that for a reason?” She gestured to Holly. “Both of your reactions proved why she doesn’t. You’re already looking at her differently. When I stopped up there once, I got the distinct impression you couldn’t believe she was friends with me. Imagine how you would’ve been when you realized Shay Coleman was in your room.”


