Gutter Mind – Smoke Valley MC – Sex & Mayhem Read Online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Biker, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 103637 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 518(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

“I’m always ready for you, baby,” Mike rasped and pulled on the leg of his jeans when they started growing uncomfortable.

He wasn’t even sure how or when Arden wrapped him around his little finger like that. They were alone in the room with sexual chemistry sizzling like a steak carelessly thrown on the grill, and he didn’t dare touch uninvited to not risk spooking the pretty blue-eyed doe.

Arden winked, making a slow turn. “I don’t think you are, but let’s try.” He tugged down the zipper of his jeans and started pulling them down at an excruciatingly slow pace.

He had wide hips for such a slender guy, but once the delicate lilac lace emerged, hugging Arden’s buttocks just right, Mike went still, and only his heart rushed, pumping testosterone-dense blood. The panties showed bits of skin between the subtle patterns of lilac fabric, and dove between the pert buttocks, ending halfway, to show off the bottom of Arden’s ass.

Christ. Mike loved this kind of underwear.

And on Arden, he loved it more than ever.


Arden pushed the jeans all the way down to his knees, but then bent forward and supported himself with one hand to pull them off completely. He wiggled his painted toes in the sheer socks, but Mike’s attention was right back on that gorgeous ass only half-covered by fabric. Arden held his thighs together for the most part, but whenever he shifted to pull on the jeans, Mike spotted a hint of balls tucked into the panties, and the sight of them was so unexpected when paired with lavender mesh, that he couldn’t think straight.

The last time he’d felt like this was when he’d been about to lose his virginity many, many years ago.

“You like what you bought?” Arden’s voice was barely audible through the thudding of blood in Mike’s head, but he nodded nevertheless, scalded by the inferno raging inside him. He wanted to grab one of the cute feet and pull off the sock with his teeth before sucking on each of the pretty toes.

“Spread your legs,” he breathed. “I need to see more detail.”

Arden glanced over his shoulder, but then, almost shyly, parted his thighs. His balls and cock were tucked into lace, close to the front of his body, but the bulge was there. Was he as hard as Mike?

He had such smooth thighs, with milky skin devoid of any imperfections, but once Mike saw Arden’s balls lovingly encased in the panties, that was all he could see. At the back of his mind, he wondered whether such obvious signs of the male sex shouldn’t deter him from Arden, but somehow their presence made it all even sexier. Kinky. Taboo. Illicit. Here was this unique creature, this very feminine man, and Mike wanted him. God, he wanted this boy so much.

“Yes. You chose a beautiful piece. Will you show me from up close?” he uttered, struggling to speak clearly while his mind whirred, causing ever more noise.

Despite Arden’s confidence, he now seemed like the frailest piece of porcelain that Mike would need to handle with care so it wouldn’t break. Arden made a slow turn, still on his knees. When he presented Mike with the erection trapped behind lace, his face was flushed, and he looked so fuckable Mike had to pinch his palm to not charge in.

What was he to do? He didn’t want to scare Arden and rush in like he would have with someone less fragile. Words were the one weapon he had left.

“You are… Baby, you’re the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever seen.”

The tension in Arden’s features gave way to a small smile, and he stood on the bed, presenting himself in all of his long-legged glory. Mike could already imagine him in stockings, harnesses, or garter belts Mike would hold as he plundered his ass from behind. He was a sexy beauty, and Mike would devour him whole given half the chance.

When that devil in angelic disguise tentatively approached the edge of the bed Mike rose for a better look. He was a statue made of alabaster—so perfect in its beauty Mike felt undeserving of his attention. But when Mike’s face was just inches from the bralette so tenderly hugging the pink nipples, Arden put his slender fingers on Mike’s shoulders and met his eyes from above.

“Kiss me?” he whispered, and Mike’s barriers broke, sending burning splinters everywhere.

“Told you that you’d ask for it eventually,” he whispered and pulled on Arden’s thighs, but caught him halfway through the fall. Arden’s nostrils flared as he looked up, shivering already, but Mike placed one foot on the edge of the bed and held him up by the waist. “There. I got you now, pussycat. And I’ll give you all the treats you want.”

He placed his open palm between the cups of the bralette, and whimpered when Arden’s heart knocked against the ribcage, as if it wanted to break free and feel Mike’s touch. But then he moved his fingers lower, along the smooth stomach, eventually tickling Arden’s belly button.


