Guardian Daddy – MC Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 134598 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 673(@200wpm)___ 538(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“We’re getting there.”

“Brody thinks he’s close to finding out who owns that blog about Rhodes,” Cate said. “Although now we’re unsure if the stalker and the blogger are the same person since the blogger was obviously in New York when someone attempted to run us off the road. It’s quite perplexing.”

“We’re still open to any theories,” Ethan added. He wasn’t sure they should be telling Oliver any of this.

“Well, whew. That’s good you guys are getting closer. You know, Cate, I’m still happy to move in here if you need me to. Extra protection. I’m guessing you must be spread thin with Samantha here.”

“We’re looking at getting another bodyguard,” Ethan told him.

“Good. Good. Wait, if the two of you are together, you’re not moving, are you, Cate? Sorry, that was purely selfish. I just love working for you, Cate. Coming over here is one of my favorite things.”

For fuck’s sake. Ethan had been trying to keep Cate from thinking about the fact that they lived thousands of miles apart. And now this dick had to go mention it.

Cate stared up at Oliver with wide eyes. She looked slightly confused.

“That’s something for Cate and me to discuss,” Ethan said firmly.

“Sure, sure,” Oliver said. “Didn’t mean to overstep.”

“Cate, I thought I’d grill tonight,” Ethan said to her.

“Yum, that sounds delicious,” Oliver replied. “I was just going to heat up a microwave meal.”

There was silence after Oliver’s words. Fuck.

“Were you?” Ethan said awkwardly.

“Yeah. Is Rip eating with you?” he asked.

“No, I believe he’s coming home late tonight,” Ethan said.

“Too bad. Well, I better get going. You two are cute together. I like it. I’ll be back tomorrow, Cate.”

“No need. I can see you Friday,” she said without looking up.

He thought he saw Oliver give her a sour look, but it was gone so quickly that he couldn’t be sure.

Still, he wasn’t certain he liked this guy.

“Come on, Cate.” Ethan walked over and held his hand out to her. She stared at it for a moment as though she wasn’t sure what to do with it. “Time to finish work for the day.”

“Oh yes, of course. I’ll just save this work and be right out.”

“Okay.” He leaned in and kissed the top of her head before moving his mouth to her ear. “Make sure that you do stop. If I have to come back and get you, then your butt is going to pay the price.”

He heard her take in a sharp breath.

Then he stood. “I’ll see Oliver out and be by the grill. Make sure you put a jacket, hat, and gloves on before you come outside.”

Oliver peered out the window. “Uh, I know it’s a bit cooler now, but isn’t it like seventy degrees out there?”

“Yes.” Ethan didn’t say anything more. This guy had to know that Cate felt the cold. “Do you need time to grab your stuff?”

“No, I’ve got it all here. Bye, Cate. See you Friday.”

“Goodbye,” Cate said.

After seeing Oliver out, he grabbed everything he needed to grill. Samantha was around here somewhere, but he wasn’t inviting her to eat with them.

She could sort herself out.

He pulled out the garlic bread and salad from the fridge that Mrs. Sanders had prepared for them before leaving. That woman was in and out of here like a ghost. While the oven heated, Ethan walked out to fire up the grill.

Then he realized that Cate had had enough time to save her work and get her clothes. Turning the grill down low, he went in search of her.

If she was still working, then she’d just earned herself a spanking.

Cate heard a dog barking from a distance and it startled her out of what she was doing.

Shoot! She was supposed to be getting dressed to head outside, not still in her office!

The last thing she wanted was a spanking. Not with so many people around to hear.

What they needed was some privacy.

Maybe they could head to the lake house. But that didn’t feel right when Rhodes was going through all of this. She couldn’t leave him alone.

Cate opened the door to her bedroom and came to a sudden stop as she saw Samantha standing there. Right in front of her closet . . . about to open it.

“What are you doing in here?” she asked sharply.

Samantha shouldn’t be in here. No one should be in here that she didn’t invite. Her breath started coming in sharp pants.

It just felt . . . wrong.

Cate patted her chest. She had to keep calm. Maybe she hadn’t touched anything.

“Oh, Cate. I thought you’d still be working.”

“You need to get out of here. I didn’t invite you into my room,” Cate told her firmly.

“Well, soon, this house will be mine. And don’t you think it’s a bit rude that you have the main bedroom? I mean, now that I’m living here, I thought you would want Rhodes to have the main suite. You barely have any clothes. What are you even keeping in here?” She reached for the closet door again and Cate gasped for breath.


