Grumpy Mechanic – Grump Town Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14671 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 59(@250wpm)___ 49(@300wpm)

"Whenever you're free and not too sore. I'd like us to get to know each other better. We already have similar tastes in movies. How about next Friday?"

I smile. "I can make that work. We can make it a movie night."

"I have an even better idea. Now, don't be discouraged because it's going to require you to do some homework."

"Oh, so are you going to be my teacher, and I get to be the failing student willing to do anything to get a passing grade?"

He laughs loudly again. "My God, that mouth."

"That's what he said."

"We're going to put that on our list of things to do, but for now, I just want to grow in love with you. I mean, get to know you. We'll each grab a dish from our favorite restaurant that we want each other to try, a movie we think the other hasn’t seen, and a few songs we want the other to hear."

"This actually sounds like fun. What do you have planned?"

"I'm just cooking something up."

"Well, cooking is something you do well, so I'm excited to see what comes next."

"If your daddy weren't on his way, you'd be coming next."

"And you think my mouth is dangerous," I laugh softly.

"The only thing dangerous about me, Maddie, is how fast I'm falling for you. I got a gut feeling and I trust my gut. So, Friday? You, me, and a few things we love to eat, hear, and see. Does four work for you?"

"Like in the afternoon?"

"Yeah, we got about a twenty-minute drive both ways, and I want as much time with you before we remember how wet … uhm, how well our bodies feel together."

Heat flashes down my cheeks as I agree, just in time for my dad to pull up to the house.



Thankfully, the week flies by. Friday afternoon arrives, and we've squared away our business about his house and my car. We have the rest of the evening to see what happens. I'm excited about my playlist, which has some great pop songs and a few EDM gems I want him to hear. For the food, I got some of the best burgers in all of Ohio. And for the movie, I have The Usual Suspects cued up on one of my streaming platforms.

Chase doesn't disappoint as we laugh, talk, and gush over the fact that we got food from the same restaurant and have a lot of the same songs on our playlists. The movies were, thankfully, different. Even though he'd already seen and agreed that he loved mine, he pulls out a classic comedy, The Princess Bride.

"I haven't seen this in ages," I tell him as we snuggle together on his couch in the house his mother left behind.

"Good, I'll try not to ruin it by finishing the jokes before the actors do," he says with a smile and a quick kiss. The kiss only takes a moment to deepen before we pull apart, knowing that once we start, our date night will be finished. We both exhale and put a few inches of space between us.

Still, we steal glances at each other like two teenagers who can be caught at any moment. It all feels familiar as a storm rages outside, but the seas of passion are calm for now. We fall into an effortless rhythm, setting out our spread of food and snacks.

From out of nowhere, he runs a finger along my jaw. “Maddie?”

With the way he’s staring, I feel a shift in the air between us, my heart pumping wildly in my chest. “Chase?”

“I know it’s too soon, but … I love you.”

And there it is. He just said what I’ve been feeling all along. Yes, it’s too soon. Then again, I’ve never felt this way ever. Images of us growing older shuffle through my brain, and I swallow past the lump in my throat. “I love you too, Chase.”

Our songs play softly in the background, and this all feels like it was meant to be. No, this feels like the love blooming between us has always been meant for me.

The End


