Gold In Locks – Dark Fairytale Romance Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 63626 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 318(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

Suddenly, I could breathe again, my eyes snapping open to see both men stepping away, both grinning as if they understood the turmoil I was having with myself… with my reaction to their presence. My fury returned as I whirled around.

I placed my hands on my hips and spat, “Get the hell out. I’ve had enough of all of you. I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last men on earth! I don’t want any of you to ever come here again. I swear I’ll slap a restraining order on you so fucking fast if you come within a mile of me!”

Both of the brothers looked at each other and smirked. They were finding my threat amusing, and I wanted to strangle them both for the way they didn’t even flinch at my warning.

“I’m serious. You have five seconds to turn around and walk out that door, or I’m calling the police.” I took a step toward the phone cradled in the charger at the end of the counter.

“Jay,” Banks began, “do you think our feelings should be hurt? I mean, she’s willing to get it on with Rye, but then not with us.”

“No, perhaps she is just too polite to admit she wants us both,” Jay said, his wicked smile making my heart beat faster as he stepped close. “She’ll learn the Barretts don’t mind sharing.”

Sharing? I could feel my face heat at the implication I would be that sort of girl.

When his smile widened and Jay chuckled, I clenched my jaw and stiffened my spine. Fuck them. I wouldn’t let them rattle me with their smiles or the calm tone of their voices.

Making my way to the phone, considering bolting to the front door and make a run for it, I began counting. “One, two, thr… what the fuck!” I protested as fingers plucked the instrument from the charger before I could grab it and tossed it across the room where it slid beneath a display cabinet.

They’d both moved closer to the counter, but I tried not to flinch or show how nervous they were making me.

Jay stared directly at me. “No matter how great your body is, how fun it is to listen to your useless little threats, or how good your brownies might be, we told you to stay away from our sister,” he said, pulling a bag with the store’s name on it from his pocket and tossing it onto the counter.

What? This was about brownies? They’d come into my store and assaulted me over some damn brownies? “Those brownies weren’t for you,” I snapped.

“Most people take our warnings seriously,” Banks practically growled.

“I guess I’m not most people,” I countered as I struggled to swallow the forming lump in the back of my throat.

Why was I so upset that they hadn’t really come to… fuck me? God, what the hell? I had never been so lost, so confused, so out of my league before.

“Do you know who we are?” Banks asked.

“I don’t care,” I answered, exhaustion threatening to overcome me.

“You should,” Jay said with an evil smile that matched the one on his brother’s face.

“Get out,” I said calmly, though how I managed to do so, I had no idea. All I wanted was to be alone, to try to figure out what was happening… why these men affected me like no one else ever had.

With them both being here the way they were, I discovered something…

Fear turned me on.

“You will soon learn it is you who will be taking orders from us. Not the other way around,” Jay said as he stepped forward and took hold of my arm.

I tried to snatch my arm away, but that only caused him to tighten his grip more. He was close enough now that I could see something was different. Though I couldn’t really call his earlier actions playful, he hadn’t hurt me. The best way to describe the exchange, the touching, the innuendoes, was to call it some sort of perverted banter… but now? Something was off, and huge warning bells started pealing in my head. Jay must have been reading my thoughts because, right as I was about to open my mouth to release a bloodcurdling scream, he placed his fingertip on my lips.

“I wouldn’t do that,” he hissed. “It would be a shame to gag that pretty mouth of yours.”

Jay had a gun in his hand. Had it always been there, and I’d been too blinded by their blue eyes and good looks to notice?

The warning bells were now blaring.

“What do you want?” I asked, not taking my gaze off the gun as Banks approached me. “I don’t keep much money here, but—”

“Money? Hell, this isn’t about money,” Jay said.

“Do we look like fucking petty thieves?” Banks growled as if I’d insulted his honor or something.


