God of War (Legacy of Gods #6) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Legacy of Gods Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 156392 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 782(@200wpm)___ 626(@250wpm)___ 521(@300wpm)

He’s leaning against the wall, arms and ankles crossed and looking more amused than a king watching his personal clown.

“Anything for you, Mrs. King.”

I grind my teeth to keep from falling into the trap he’s goading me into and proving to these people who I’ve never met that I’m a fuck-up. “Well, this atmosphere sucks. Totally not a fan.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

“Or we can change things up. Sam, I love you, but you need a chill pill and a proper introduction to smiling. How about a staff reshuffle like the prime minister does?”

“I’ll have to decline.”

“But why? It’s going to be so much fun if you let me help.”

“I have my doubts.”

“How can you be so cruel?” I pout.

“Henderson already briefed me about your situation, so I’ll reintroduce myself.” She completely ignores my earlier statement. “I’m the house manager and I cook Mr. King’s meals. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask me.”

“Henderson?” I ask.

She points at the blond guy who’s standing by the car.

“Leonardo Henderson,” he says in an eloquent tone. “I’m Mr. King’s special assistant.”

“How special?” I ask.

“He’s just an assistant,” Eli says with a grumble.

“I prefer special assistant. Seems mysterious and cool.” I grin at Leonardo, who smiles back.

“I’ll take you to your room,” Sam says.

“I will do it.” Eli slides to my side. “You can get on with your tasks.”

She nods, turns, then leaves, followed by an army of her mini-mes.

“She totally scoured the entirety of the UK and Europe to find her own world-domination minions,” I mutter. “We’ll talk about that reshuffle later, Sam!”

She doesn’t even acknowledge me.

What a thrill. Not only do I have to deal with Eli, but also with his most loyal sidekick and the woman who loves and nurtures his monstrous nature.

While I love Sam, mostly because Aunt Elsa loves her, she’s too standoffish and uptight for my liking.

I glare at Eli. “Is this like a punishment?”

“Believe me, you’ll feel it when I punish you, Mrs. King.”

He waltzes to the stairs, leaving me in an alarming state of hyperventilation. I slap a hand on my chest, willing my heartbeat to slow down and stop being in utter shambles.

What the hell is up with that?

Was he flirting with me or threatening me?

At any rate, I shouldn’t feel warm because of it.

I follow him, partly because I have no choice and partly because I need a distraction.

I catch a glimpse of the sitting area’s decor and pause upon seeing pink paintings, sofas, and even a pink-and-white rug.

Did Eli and Sam let me decorate?

They had to have let me since Eli’s favorite color is the shade of his soul, black, and I’m pretty sure Sam is allergic to bright colors and would contract a serious case of nausea at seeing all the pink.

The sitting area upstairs also contains a grand champagne-pink sofa. A huge pink crystal chandelier hangs from the high platform ceiling and the halls are filled with artistic pink paintings.

Ten out of ten for taste. It’s mine, so of course it’s perfect.

My head bumps into a wall, and only when I inhale the intoxicating scent and get assaulted by the warmth do I realize it’s actually Eli’s chest.

I was so preoccupied with my spotless taste that I momentarily forgot I wasn’t alone. And the bastard definitely stopped abruptly and turned around on purpose.

I glare up at him. He smiles.

I glare harder. His grin widens.

“My, Mrs. King. We just got back and you’re already throwing yourself into my arms? Control yourself, would you?”

I jerk away. “It was an accident.”

“One of many.”

“Stop it.”

“Stop what?”

“Being a dick, for starters.”

“And now we’re talking about my dick. That desperate, huh?”

“Hell will freeze over before I let you touch me, Eli.”

“You look adorable when spouting lies. Besides…” He lifts my chin with a curled index finger, spearing his cold eyes into my soul. “I already touched you. If I want to fuck you, you’ll bend over and take it.”

“Lie.” My whisper is barely audible as my chin trembles.

“Want to bet?”

“You’re messing with me because I lost my memory. I’d never sleep with you.”

“There was no sleeping involved. I must say I wasn’t impressed, but I can give you a chance for a redo.”

“Fuck you.”

I storm into what I assume is my room and slam the door in his face.

There’s no energy left in me to even appreciate the glorious pink princess room that greets me. I slide down against the door and pull my knees to my chest as a tear stains my cheek.

I clearly remember making a promise to myself that I’d never cry because of Eli again.

Never, ever again.

And yet another tear follows and another and another.

Because I realize with crushing clarity that I’m mourning a part of me that I thought meant something.

Something I wanted to only give up for love and yet I handed it over to the devil on a silver platter.


