God of War (Legacy of Gods #6) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Legacy of Gods Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 156392 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 782(@200wpm)___ 626(@250wpm)___ 521(@300wpm)

It’s another case of disappearance that Eli orchestrated, but I have no interest in asking about it. Maybe I’m as morally broken as he is, because I would do the same if another woman came close to him.

I fix his bowtie, letting my nails trace along his skin. “The day is just starting. We still have the reception and photos.”

“How many photos?”

“Lots. As many as possible.”

“Don’t you have enough photo albums? Both digital and physical?”

“There’re never enough memories. You’ll all look back at my achievements and thank me for freezing all these moments.”

“Not if I have to sacrifice you for these moments.” He tightens his grip on my waist. “I’ve been suffering marital neglect, Your Honor.”

I laugh and then murmur, “You literally fucked me first thing this morning, Eli. When I was barely awake. How is that neglect?”

“Mmm. But you didn’t let me eat your cunt for breakfast as usual. I’m starving.”

“Eli!” I whisper-yell, searching our surroundings that are thankfully empty. “We’re in a church.”

“And we’re married. I’m positive the church approves of the holy union.”

“Not if your words are unholy.”

“Is that a yes on a late breakfast?” He raises a brow.

“Later, okay?”

“You know I can’t function properly without my habits.”

I laugh, the sound echoing around us like a symphony of joy. Honestly, he can get extremely insistent on his morning routine. It doesn’t matter if I try to wake him up with my lips around his cock or if he fucks me or not. He always needs to eat me out before he starts his day.

Not that I’m complaining or anything.

“This isn’t funny,” he grumbles. “I can’t wait for this wedding to be over and to take you back home. I’ll devour you everywhere, Mrs. King.”

“Not the kitchen counter or Sam will throw a fit.”

“Then Sam will be sacked.”

“You can’t sack my friend. I won’t allow it.”

He scoffs. “No idea how you made the lonely, antisocial club consisting of Henderson and Sam your friends, and even maintain it.”

“Probably the same way I made you fall in love with me. I’m irresistible.”

“That you are.” He kisses the tip of my nose and I feel like I’m melting.

God. Why does he have the ability to reduce me to a puddle of emotions with the merest touch?

“Hey, Eli?”


“Have I been sleepwalking lately?”

He pauses. “Why are you asking?”

“I don’t think I have, but the more I’m certain of something, the more it’s not true. Give it to me straight. Don’t sugarcoat it or attempt to hide the truth for my benefit, please.”

“It happened once a month ago, but as Dr. Blaine said it was due to the stress of your rehearsals for the competition. It was brief and normal. Nothing was alarming.”

“Are you sure that’s the only one?”


“Maybe it’s the only one you’re aware of.”

“Impossible, considering I never let you out of my sight, beautiful.”

I release a breath.

“What are you worried about?” He strokes my cheek, my hair, my pulse point, which I learned is how he can gauge my state of mind. “Do you believe the pills’ effects are waning? Do you feel something’s off?”

God. I love his caring, protective side and how easily it comes out at the hint of my discomfort.

“No and no, which is why I’m worried.” I release another breath. “I’m so happy, sometimes, I believe this is a simulation and I’ll wake up to my harsh reality one day.”

“You’re real.” He brushes his lips against mine and glues our foreheads together. “We are real, baby.”

I smile and stroke his nose against my cheek. “I know, but I want more.”

“Anything. If you ask for the moon, I’ll lay it at your feet.”

“Nothing that excessive.” I hesitate. “I…want children. Our children.”

“Then you will have them. All three of them.”


“You thought I’d say no?”

“Yeah, well. You weren’t as open to the idea when we last talked about it.”

“That was under different circumstances. You’re better now. Stronger. Livelier. If you want children, I’ll impregnate you with as many of them as you wish.”

“B-but what about you? Is this only for me?”

“No. It’s for me as well.” He rubs his erection against my stomach. “See? The idea of filling you with my baby makes me hard.”

“You’re awful.” I laugh.

He smiles. “That aside. I only want children if you’re their mother.”

“I’d have no other father for them.” I steal a kiss. “Now, let’s join the others.”

“Not so fast.” He lifts me in his arms. “We have to start trying to get you pregnant, Mrs. King.”

My laugh fills the air as he takes me to a side room and does just that.

I fought against myself for this man, but that only made me love him deeper. Now that I’m no longer fighting, it’s easier to love him more every day.

This man owns my heart and soul.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.




