God of War (Legacy of Gods #6) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Legacy of Gods Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 156392 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 782(@200wpm)___ 626(@250wpm)___ 521(@300wpm)

Cecily releases a heavy sigh. “We thought something bad would happen to you after we heard about, you know.”

“I don’t know. What?”

“After you fell down the stairs,” Cecily says.

“You really threw yourself down the stairs?” Ari asks in a vulnerable voice I’m not used to hearing from my rowdier-than-hell sister.

“What…no? I don’t know. I don’t remember that. I don’t remember anything after…after the party last⁠—”

I cut myself off before I say last night, because that’s not the case, confirmed by my doctor, who suspects I suffer from a form of dissociative selective amnesia.

There’s no telling what the reason is or how I’d be able to retrieve the missing memories except for being in a supportive environment.

Which is a lot of words to say he has no solution.

It doesn’t make sense that my memories of that night at the club and everything before then are crystal clear, but somehow, I have no idea about my life over the past two freaking years.

I checked the calendar. It’s been exactly two years and three months since that night.

“You really don’t remember anything?” my sister asks.

“Not for the past two years or so.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t completely forget about us.”


Her lips tremble and she looks away before I can see what her eyes are hiding.

“Cecy.” I hold her hands. “It’s not true, right? I need you to be the one who tells me it’s not true. The last time we saw each other was in that shady club you hated while Jeremy had a hard-on for you and bloodlust for anyone who looked your way—you know, the usual for that guy. I promised to leave after you and we agreed to watch Bridget Jones's Diary before you went to the States. And you…” I stare at Ari. “You blackmailed me into getting info about Remi in exchange for having my back with Papa and Mama.”

“That was over two years ago, Ava.” The sympathy in Cecily’s voice nearly obliterates me, and the rare empathy in Ariella’s face doesn’t help.

I start to release my friend’s hand and pause when my fingers brush against a massive rock.

She’s wearing a diamond ring so big, it’d be a drowning hazard if she wore it while swimming. I flip her hand back and forth, my mouth forming an O. “Cecy, you…you got engaged? When? How? Where?”

“A year ago.” She gives me a sheepish smile. “On an island.”

“Oh my God. I’m so excited for you! Tell me everything.”

“Well, Jeremy called you for advice and you said, ‘Whatever big you’re thinking of, go bigger, Jeremy. You better give Cecy a proposal worthy of her.’ So he bought me an entire island as an engagement gift, whisked me there on our anniversary, and asked me to marry him.”

I nod in approval. “Sounds about right. He could’ve gone bigger, if you ask me.”

“Ava! You know I hate big.”

“But you deserve big, Cecy.” My voice lowers. “I can’t believe I don’t remember any of that.”

“Hey…” She strokes my hair. “You’ll be my maid of honor at the wedding. That’s more important.”

“Yes!” I pause, my body feeling foreign, as if my brain doesn’t fit the reality I’ve found myself shoved into. “What else did I miss?”

“Well,” Cecy starts. “Kill and Glyn took the year off and are touring the world, backpacking, and completely disconnected from civilization. They’ve been on their trip for about three months now. They’re engaged, too.”

“Oh fuck. I missed that as well? Who else is engaged?”

“Anni and Creigh. Lan and Mia. Bran and Niko. They’re getting married before Jeremy and me because Niko is in a hurry. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they eloped any day now. Niko’s definitely pro that option and keeps bringing it up daily, but Bran wants their families and friends there.”

Her words hit me like an arrow. The fact that all of this happened during a time I have zero recollection of leaves me hollow.


Why did I forget a whole two years of my life?

How could I erase important moments for my friends?

Creighton is Eli’s younger brother and the best of the King siblings, in my opinion. Landon and Brandon are his cousins. Bran is an angel and my favorite King man. Lan is an arsehole and a narcissistic psycho, but he’s still much better company than his older arsehole cousin.

Mainly because he helps me destroy the Tin Man’s armor.

“Where does everyone live now? I assume they graduated uni and went on with their lives?”

“Yeah, well. Jeremy, Niko, Bran, and I live in New York. Lan and Mia are also there because Lan is getting an MBA, but they’ll move back to London after they get married. Creigh and Anni are also moving back here, but they’re now spending time with her and Jeremy’s parents in New York. Uncle Aiden isn’t a fan of Creigh not wanting to take his role at King Enterprises. All the weight is falling on Eli’s shoulders.”


