Give Me Forever – Beaumont – Next Generation Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 78387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 392(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“I’m going to go hang in the other room,” Ben says, laughing. He wants no part of the wedding talk. He bends slightly to kiss me, much to the delight of the women in the room. PDA never used to be our thing, and while we still control ourselves, we’re a little more open around our family. When we’re at work, we keep things strictly professional, unless our office doors are closed. I watch him and Beau disappear around the corner.

I make my way to where my sister and the others are. When Oliver sees me, he lights up and waddles his way toward me. He’s walking now and a holy terror. When mom or dad need a break, they don’t ask us to watch him, they ask us if we can wrangle him for a bit because that’s what it’s like when he’s around. The boy can Houdini himself out of his play yard and likes to climb on everything. Betty Paige jokes that Oliver is going to be the first one in our family to climb Mt. Everest. Something tells me she’s right.

“Dog,” he says.

“With Uncle Ben,” I tell him. “Go find Daddy.” I point to the other room and Oliver takes off like he’s being chased.

As of late, I’ve seen more of Paige than I have of my sister. Ben and I keep two residences, our house in Malibu and one in Beaumont. The music scene is really taking off there, and Liam is in the process of buying Ralph’s. Ralph, the longtime owner, doesn’t have any kids and wants to retire. Funnily enough, Liam wants to own a bar. Honestly, I think Liam wants to own the entire town and if given the chance, he will. No one can say he isn’t giving back to the community that supported him when he was a teenager. He’s done so much in the revitalization of Beaumont, it’s crazy. A few of the town council members want him to run for Mayor, but Liam says politics are not in his future. He’s happy doing what he’s doing and likes the flexibility his life affords him. In February, once football season is over, 4225 West is going on tour, with both Plum and Sinful Distraction as their opening acts. It’s nice when a manager like me has some connections. This tour will catapult Plum to the next level. They’re on the cusp of being something amazing.

“How’s surfing?” I ask Eden.

“It’s good,” she says. “I’m heading to Hawaii next week to get ready for a competition and then to Costa Rica.”

“That’s incredible. Your videos are spectacular.”

“Thanks.” She smiles brightly.

“What do you do about school?” Peyton asks.

“I have a tutor; she comes with us,” Eden says.

“Are you going on tour with the band?” Paige asks. She looks at Eden with pleading eyes.

Eden nods. “I am. I wouldn’t miss it.”

I elbow Peyton. “These kids are lucky. Mom rarely let us go on tour at their age.”

“I know. I’m jealous.”

“Wait, you’re going too, right?” Paige asks us.

“I’ll come to a few, but I have to work,” Peyton says.

“I’ll be at some stops,” Nola says. “The bus life isn’t glamorous. I don’t know how you do it.”

Peyton and I laugh. It’s definitely something you get used to, and it’s much easier if you grow up with it.

“I’ll be there,” I tell her. “My bands, remember.”

“I can’t wait to see Plum. O. M. Geeeeee. I am so excited,” Paige says as she claps her hands. She met them when they came to the studio and fell in love with their music. She’s asked me a few times to bring them back to Beaumont, but they haven’t had the time. I half expected her to show up at the studio when she arrived in Los Angeles the other day, but Liam came alone. I think this is the first time his daughter is obsessed with a band and he’s not sure how to handle her fangirling moments.

The moms yell for dinner and we all gather in Peyton and Noah’s massive dining room. This is the first time they’re hosting, and it’s only because Noah isn’t playing this weekend. Normally, we’re either in Portland or we’re celebrating without them. I hate that we’re all so spread out and I don’t think it would be so bad if Noah’s job wasn’t during the heart of the holidays. Peyton missed Oliver’s first Halloween a few weeks ago. Mom and Dad dressed him up as a teddy bear and he was the cutest thing ever. Ben and I had a blast walking around the neighborhood with him, but it was seeing my parents with him that sealed the deal. Ben and I are ready to start trying for a family.

We all sit down, and I rest my hand on Ben’s leg. Having been through what he has, you learn not to take any moment for granted. We’re more in tune with each other and we talk about everything. The littlest things like whether we should change the brand of toilet paper we buy, or which gas station is one cent cheaper are something we talk about instead of one of us making a household decision. We realized even this kind of communication makes our relationship stronger.


