Give Me Forever – Beaumont – Next Generation Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 78387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 392(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

Everyone starts passing bowls of potatoes, vegetables, salad, and everything else the moms made around the table. I take a little of everything because I know I’ll want seconds, and then I’ll have thirds in a few hours. There’s something about reheated Thanksgiving dinner that’s better than the actual dinner itself. Not everyone will agree with me and that’s okay. I have my vices, and this is one of them.

Once everyone has filled their plates, we go around and say one thing we’re thankful for. I’ve thought about what I’m going to say for a couple of months now, wavering back and forth between a few things. There are so many moments and people in my life, that it’s hard to pinpoint one action or event that stands out, but I think I found it.

When it’s my turn, I clear my throat. I know everyone expects me to be thankful for Ben, and I am. He knows this. I tell him every day. Each morning when I see his eyes, I remind him that I’m incredibly lucky to have him next to me, to be able to call him my husband, and to hear him tell me that he loves me.

“I’m thankful for my brother, Quinn.” I look across the table at him and he dips his head. “Without you, I’m not sure Ben would be my husband today. You never gave up on your friendship with him and you knew exactly how to push me back to him. You love without reservation. I’m thankful for each and every day I get to call you my brother.”

I raise my glass to him, but he stares at me. He pushes his chair back and walks around the table. I stand and fall into his arms when he opens them. “I love you, Elle,” he whispers to me.

“I love you too, Quinny.”

When I sit back down, I glance at our dad and catch him wiping his cheeks. I hope he knows how much he means to me, that without him I wouldn’t be half the person I am today. Ben leans over and kisses my cheek. “That was beautiful,” he says.

He clears his throat and looks around the table. “There are a couple of things I’m thankful for, so if you’ll bear with me for a moment.”

Everyone laughs and Jimmy says, “I think you’ve earned your time, mate.”

“I appreciate it.” Ben stands, which surprises me. “I’m thankful for my beautiful wife, who loves me despite my lack of . . .”

“Benjamin.” The tone of my voice warns him not to finish the sentence regardless of Jimmy egging him on.

Ben laughs. “I’m thankful for my beautiful wife, the life we live, for Beau, and for this family who took me in as their own. I would not be here today, if it wasn’t for your love and support. With that said, I’m also thankful for my doctors, and the radiologist who read my recent scans. As of right now, the cancer hasn’t returned.”

Everyone claps. We’ve had this news for a couple of days, but he wanted to wait until today to share it with everyone. Ben looks at me and then back at everyone. “I’m not out of the woods yet, but this is the first step, and it’s a good one.” He raises his glass, and everyone says, “Here, here.”

We finish dinner and clean-up, and we’re about to head outside when the doorbell chimes. I’m closest to the door and open it. “Hello,” I say to the young man on the other side. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m Rush Fennimore. I’m here to see Eden Davis if she’s available?”


“Eden,” I yell her name. “There’s a young man here to see you.”

She comes around the corner, clad in a bikini top with her wet suit covering her legs. Her eyes widen in surprise and then she sprints to the door. Within seconds her arms are around Rush and they’re kissing.

“What are you doing here? I didn’t think I’d see you until tomorrow.”

“I came a day early to surprise you.”

Eden squeals and kisses him again.

“I can hear you,” Jimmy yells from the other room and I start to laugh.

“Eden, why don’t you invite your friend in.”

“Yes, come in. You have to meet everyone,” she says, dragging the poor kid by his hand. He smiles as he walks by, and I can see why Eden is smitten with him.

“Hey, Rush,” Quinn says. They shake hands and I look at my brother oddly. He shrugs and mouths that he’ll tell me later. I swear he’s the secret keeper.

“Everyone, I’d like for you to meet Rush,” Eden says. “Rush, this is . . . well, literally everyone in my family.” Rush goes to everyone and shakes their hands. While this happens, Quinn tells me Eden and Rush met last Christmas in Vermont and have been traveling to see each other every few months. Rush is an Olympic hopeful in snowboarding, which Quinn believes is why Jimmy is so chill about Eden having a boyfriend.


