Give Me Forever – Beaumont – Next Generation Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 78387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 392(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“It’s good that you told your mom.”

“I didn’t have a choice, she showed up at my place and rummaged through the stuff on my coffee table.”

Realization crosses his face, and he nods. My mother was an okay mom. She worked hard to keep a roof over our heads, but she was never motherly. She didn’t care what Brad and I did, just as long as we didn’t get arrested. When I started hanging out with Elle, my mom expected to be brought into the family. She wanted all the perks of being friends with the Jameses and was rather put off when I never invited her to things. On the few occasions she’s been around Harrison, she’s made a complete fool of herself.

My name’s called and the three of us stand. “Oh, we don’t need you,” my mother says to John.

I shake my head. “John’s coming. He’s a friend.”


But nothing. With John next to me, I head toward the nurse. She smiles at us, greets John, and asks how I’m feeling. It’s a hard question to answer because technically, I feel fine, other than the symptoms my mind has conjured up because my brain keeps telling me I have cancer.

We sit in the oncologist’s office, and I stare at all his diplomas on the wall. There are so many, and it makes me wonder how he decided this was going to his line of work. When he comes in, he greets us, and sits down with a file in front of him.

“Ben, I’ve spent some time looking through your bloodwork and scans, and after consulting with a couple of my colleagues, we’re on the same page in saying surgery is absolutely necessary, followed by chemotherapy and possibly radiation. We’re going to remove both testicles and lymph nodes, and then start you on an aggressive treatment plan. We’ll monitor with scans regularly to make sure this plan is working, and if it isn’t, we’ll change it.”

“You’re going to remove both of my . . .” I can’t even bring myself to say the word.

Doc nods. “It’s the best option. With that said, I’ve made you an appointment with our fertility specialists.”

“For what?” I ask.

“For when you’re ready to be a father,” he says. “This treatment will affect your ability to have children.”

“Oh, Elle isn’t going to like this one bit,” my mom blurts out. “Why isn’t she here, anyway? And why didn’t she come home last night?”

I close my eyes and lean my head onto my hand, dragging it over my face in frustration. I should’ve told her to stay in the waiting room while I dealt with this, but I didn’t want her to make a scene.

“How soon can we get Ben into the fertility clinic?” John asks.

“They’re waiting for his call. It’s not something we force, but highly recommend. Ben, you’re young and while children might not be at the forefront of your mind right now, they might be later. Is Elle your partner?”

“His fiancée,” my mother says. “But she’s busy, ya know. Her dad is famous and all.”

“Mom, please stop talking.”

“Just stating some facts. She should be here. Elle will flip if you don’t have any baby making stuff left.”

“Brenda, why don’t come with me,” John says as he stands. “My friend Beulah makes the best apple pie on the planet, and I hear she has some in the cafeteria. Let’s go grab a slice.”

As soon as the door closes, I feel relieved. I bend over and inhale deeply, only for tears to form. “I’m sorry,” I tell the doctor. “My mother is . . . I don’t have words. She just showed up yesterday, out of the blue.”

“And your partner?”

“We broke up. She doesn’t know I have cancer.”

“Well, that’s certainly none of our business. You’re our concern, Ben. You can harvest your sperm or not. It’s your choice. Like I said when John asked, the clinic is waiting for your call. We’re going to schedule your surgery for next week, so this gives you some time to make a decision.”

“Thank you.” I stand, we shake hands, and he gives me a stack of information for me to read through.

After I catch up with John and my mother, she and I head back to the house. Once there, she rants and raves about Elle.

“Mom, I need you to stop.”

“Why? Can’t she be bothered to be here for you?”

“I broke up with her, Mother. She doesn’t even know I have cancer. Stop putting this on her or blaming her or putting her down.”

“Well, you should tell her.”

“I don’t want her pity.”

“But you do want her money.”

I shake my head and head into my room. I lock the door behind me, put on my headphones and turn the music up as high as it can go. But even this doesn’t stop my mother’s voice from replaying in my mind.


