Giorgio (Vigilance #1) Read online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vigilance Series by Silvia Violet

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75241 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

“Yes, sir.” This time I made my voice low and sexy instead of mocking like it had been earlier in the day.

He slicked up his fingers and teased along my crack. He circled my hole but didn’t push inside me. I nearly bit through my lip trying to keep myself from begging for more. I wanted to tell him this wasn’t what I needed. I needed to be filled. I felt so fucking empty without him inside me.

He ran his other hand over my tense thigh muscles. “Is it that hard for you to be good?”

“I… um…”

“You really do need to be taught some discipline, don’t you?”

I’d never wanted that before. I liked to be dominated. I liked it rough, but I’d never wanted to be spanked or punished until the first time Giorgio had slapped my ass and ordered me to behave.


“You do. I know what’s good for you, and I’m going to give it to you, but not right now. Right now, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t breathe.”

“S-so this won’t be a one-time thing?”

His eyes hardened. “I told you not to talk.”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“You’re going to be if you keep defying me.”

Part of me wanted to be good for him and part of me wanted to find out what he would do. How much would it take to push him to the breaking point? Would he spank me? Could he really keep me from coming? I couldn’t risk that. I was so close to the edge already. I felt like I could get off just from his harsh words.

He pushed a single finger into me so slowly I thought I would die. He pulled it out at the same torturous pace then did it over and over.

“Please. I can’t…”

“You get what I want to give you and that’s all. Do I need to gag you?”

I shook my head. “No. Please.”

“I would have already, but it makes it too hard to hear all the little pleasure sounds you make. I want those, every fucking one of them.”

His words would have made me whimper even if the bastard hadn’t curled his finger and pressed it against my prostate.

He pushed another finger into me and opened them, stretching me. “Fuck, feels so good.”

“You want your ass filled, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’ll do anything to get that.”

I whimpered again and nodded frantically.

“So slutty.”


He finger-fucked me fast and hard, and I worked my hips, trying to take him deeper.

“I’m ready for you to talk now. Beg me. Tell me exactly what you want.”

Now that he wanted that from me, I wasn’t sure I could speak. I could barely breathe. I licked my lips and stared at him.

He pulled his fingers from my ass and glared at me. The intensity in his eyes made my heart skip a beat. I was completely under his spell.


He shook his head. “That’s not good enough. What do you want?”

“You. Your cock.”

“Why do you need it?”

“Need to be full. Need my ass stretched. Please. I… please.”

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He pushed my shirt up and kissed my stomach and my chest. I cried out when he drew one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked hard.

“Need you. Please I… I’m yours.”

“I know you are.”

The way he said it, voice low and forceful, I felt it in my soul. I belonged to this man. I just needed to make him truly believe it.

“Take me. Own me.”

He growled as he pushed my legs onto my chest, exposing me completely. Then his cock was there, pushing into me. I gasped, but he kept going. It burned, but it felt so fucking good.

“So hot. So slick,” he murmured as he moved forward inch by inch.

I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t look away. His eyes burned into mine. I saw his possessiveness, and I wanted to give him everything.

Finally, he was all the way inside, his hips pressing against my ass. “You’re just what I need.”

“I am,” I gasped. “I’m good for you.”

He snarled and pulled out almost as slowly as he’d entered me, then he drove into me with a hard thrust.

He started to pull back again, then froze. “Fuck.”

I looked up at him. “What?” But I realized what was wrong even before he said it.



His ass was so hot, so slick, and it felt like heaven, like nothing I’d—

Fuck. I wasn’t wearing a condom. I never forgot things like that. Lane fucked with my ability to think, and that meant I really needed to get out of there. I couldn’t protect him if I wasn’t clear headed. He was going to be the death of me, literally, if his father found out.

“I forgot—

“The condom.”

I started to pull out, even though I wanted to stay there, buried in his heat forever. He wrapped his legs around me, trying to hold me where I was.


