Gavin’s Song Read online Jamie Begley (Road to Salvation A Last Rider’s Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Road to Salvation A Last Rider's Trilogy Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 143728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 719(@200wpm)___ 575(@250wpm)___ 479(@300wpm)

“I’ll let you clean him up, Vamp.” The mouth thick with lust moved to his neck. “I hope you enjoyed that. I know I did. That was a small appetizer of what I can do for you.”

Gavin couldn’t hold the vomit any longer and started heaving.

A hand settled over his mouth. “You’re not going to ruin this!”

With his eyes bulging, he fought hard to hold the vomit back, knowing if he didn’t, he would asphyxiate.

Slowly, the hand was removed. “Better? Right on. Let’s get to the main course! Ink, turn him over. Vamp, get the bucket ready. If he blows, I don’t want it to get on the mattress.”

Rough hands turned him onto his stomach. Then finding himself spread-eagle, Gavin tried to roll back over, his numb brain understanding what was about to happen.

“Chain his hands. I don’t want him getting loose and damaging my equipment.”

“He gets loose, he won’t be going for the equipment,” someone joked. “Turn his head. We don’t want him to suffocate.”

They grabbed his wrists and raised them over his head. Gavin no longer made the attempt to clear his mind, not wanting to accept that he was about to be raped again. However, a hard slap on his buttock wouldn’t let him escape the reality that fingers were now slipping between his clenched cheeks.

“My clients know I deal in clean goods. I want a condom on your dick before you get any closer to his ass.”

“I’m clean.”

“I don’t give a fuck. Either put it on or you’re going to forfeit the money you paid me. If I made Vamp put a condom on him, you sure as hell are going to have one. You’re a bigger whore than she is.”

Briefly, the hand moved away, but it wasn’t long before it was back. Gavin tried tugging on the chains that were restraining him when slick fingers delved inside him.

“I told you he was a cherry. He’s about to tear the chains from the wall.”

Gavin frantically tried harder as two hands pressed his chest farther down into the mattress.

“Go ahead and fight. It gets me even harder.” The male voice behind him had Gavin trying to throw off the heavy weight that was pressing him down.

A loud scream filled the room as the bed began moving again. It took a second for him to realize the pain-filled scream was coming from him, as he was brutalized by the man forcing himself into his clenching body.

Over and over, a cock was thrust inside of him, going higher each time. Gavin tried to wrap the chain around his wrists tighter to give himself more traction, but he didn’t have enough strength in his muscles to succeed.

His rapist grabbed the hair at the back of his head, pulling his head back, as another hand slipped under his waist to gab his cock.

“Don’t worry; you’ll get used to it. You’ll be begging me for it before too long.”

Gavin used every ounce of willpower to get the words out, but his thick tongue wouldn’t let him.

“What’d he say?”

“I think he said, fuck off.”

Chapter Nineteen

Gavin woke up and every part of his body ached, and he knew his torture wasn’t over. He experimentally moved his fingers before raising his hand to see if the drug they gave him wore off.

Carefully and slowly, he maneuvered himself into a sitting position, his roiling stomach rebelling. Unable to hold back the vomit, Gavin leaned over the edge of the cot and lost what little was in his stomach. Realizing he was naked had his gut spasming even more.

“You’ll have to clean that up. No one else is going to clean up your messes.”

Gavin held onto the end of the cot to keep himself from toppling over. When he was able to stop vomiting long enough to look up, he saw Slate standing at the bottom of the stairs holding a gun.

“One way or another, I’m going to kill you.”

“Do I look scared? You’re nothing without Viper backing you up. Even Viper knows that. That’s why he had to sign up for another tour—to make sure he could watch over you. The only thing for you to be proud of is forming The Last Riders, and you wouldn’t have accomplished that without Rider’s help. See a pattern, Gavin? You’re nothing unless you’re hiding behind someone else.”

“The Last Riders isn’t what I’m proudest of. Being responsible for getting you out of the service is.”

“Well, buddy, that’s where you fucked up. If I were still in the service, you wouldn’t be sitting in my basement, puking your guts out.”

“I’d rather be here than you terrorizing helpless women and children.”

“Let’s see if you can still say that the next time The Count wants to ram his dick up your ass.”

There was only one person that he wanted to kill more than Slate and it was the man who had raped him. The woman was third on his list.


