Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“Aren’t you the sweetest thing. You absolutely don’t have to go back out. I love coffee ice cream. It’s my favorite too, but even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t make you go back out.” He grabbed my wrist and tugged me inside. “Let’s get spoons and eat out of the container.”

“Now I think I love you,” I teased, and we both laughed. It was surprising how simple things were with Carter and me. It wasn’t something I would have ever expected. Hell, if I were being honest, I’d admit I’d never had any relationship that felt this simple. Not that Carter and I were in a relationship. I needed to nip that kind of thought in the bud real quick.

Carter got two spoons, and we sat on the couch together. He curled his legs up under himself, angling my direction as we each stuck our spoons in the container and got a bite.

“Oh my God. This is exactly what I needed,” he said, and I chuckled.

“I’m glad it helps.” I swallowed a spoonful of ice cream and said, “I’m sorry about your mom. Do you want to tell me about the conversation?”

“Surprisingly, I think so.”

I wasn’t offended by his answer. I understood what he meant. This thing between us…well, it was weird and unexpected as fuck, but there we were, and I realized I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

“It wasn’t really a huge deal. It’s just… She was talking about missing me and wanting me to come and visit her. When she does, it’s hard not to feel things, to want things. Like…I’m too old for this, I know that, but I just want my mom, ya know? But then I’m always afraid it’s because she wants something from me; or I’m wondering why she puts these men above me…and then this asshole starts yelling at her in the background to come to bed. Of course, she just goes. I fucking hate it. Doesn’t she see she’s better than that?”

“Hey.” I set my spoon in the container and then reached over and cupped his face. He trembled. Was it because my hand was cold or because I was touching him? I really wished I knew the answer to that, but it wasn’t what was important right then. “First of all, age has nothing to do with it. They’re our parents. We all want their approval and love, and it’s one of the most basic things we should have. You don’t need to feel weird about that.” I was lucky. I had a good relationship with my parents—Cam and I both did—but I still wanted their approval. Everyone did. And there were times I wondered if they wished I were more like Camden.

“I…” he started, then trailed off. “Thank you, Saw.”

“No problem.” I dropped my hand away but quickly realized I didn’t want to. I was so incredibly fucked. I was already getting attached to him. This was going to end badly for me. “As for the rest of it, I don’t really know what to say. I know you deserve better. I hate that you have to question yourself or her love. And I’m sorry she puts herself down around asshole guys, because as a son, I’m sure that’s hard for you.”

“It is. I want to protect her from it, but I can’t.”

“Exactly. She’s a grown-up, and that’s up to her. All you can do is love her, support her, and let her know you’re there for her. But you also need to put yourself first, and if it hurts to talk to her, you don’t have to. You’re the most important thing.”

His eyes darted away, and I wondered if anyone had ever told him that before. If they’d ever told Carter he’s important outside of sex.

“Okay, I feel like a fucking mess. You’re always picking up my pieces.”

I waved off what he said and went for my spoon, but Carter held his out for me. I took the bite as I watched him. It was such a simple thing, him feeding me ice cream, but somehow it was hot as fuck. “Thank you. And I’m not picking up anything. We’re friends. This is what friends do.”

“Friends who keep finding their tongues down each other’s throats and who have FaceTime sex sessions.”

“That should be singular, not plural. We’ve only done it once so far.”

Carter laughed. “Oh my God. You’re such a dork.”

“Eh.” I shrugged because I sort of was.

“Tell me something else about you. Something no one knows.”

“Huh?” I shifted uncomfortably.

“Come on. I just spilled my mommy issues to you, again. It’s like a tit-for-tat thing. It doesn’t have to be sad, though.”

He fed me another bite of ice cream before taking one for himself. The thing was, there was something I could think of, one thing that kept pounding around in my brain, but I wasn’t sure if I could say it. I mean, it not only fell under the sad category, but also embarrassing as hell. But then, I figured Carter must have felt that way with what he’d just shared with me too. I wanted to show him I appreciated it. And maybe I hoped he would tell me it wasn’t true. Maybe I needed it.


