Full Domain Read Online Kindle Alexander (Nice Guys #3)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nice Guys Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 147789 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 739(@200wpm)___ 591(@250wpm)___ 493(@300wpm)

“So really nothing’s changed on our end. Everything’s different from the bureau standpoint, but we’re in the same place we were. Right?” Aaron asked.

“I guess. You just have to keep your ears open,” Kreed reinforced.

“Exactly what I’ve been doing.”

“Listen to me. If anything feels off, you get your ass out of there. I’ll be tracking you every step of the way, but it’s on you to keep your guard up. You hear the wrong thing and you take off for the closest exit,” Kreed stressed.

“Of course I will.”

Kreed stared at him long and hard, the deputy marshal’s dark eyes searching his.

“I promise I will get out of there, Kreed.” Aaron saw some of the tension ease from Kreed’s face as he made his oath. Kreed didn’t say anything, just nodded once and turned to leave.

“I think this freaks you out more than it does me,” Aaron called after Kreed.

“Probably. I’m gonna shower. We need to talk about your goals for today before you head back over there.” He heard the bathroom door shut after he spoke, but Aaron didn’t move until he heard the water in the shower. He wasn’t exactly sure how to take Kreed right now. Kreed was unsteady, and he’d never seen that before. Aaron didn’t doubt Kreed’s ability to keep him safe; he wasn’t certain why Kreed did. Besides, there was no indication Aaron had given that he was a risk taker and he wasn’t going to be in this situation. Behind the computer? Absolutely, but not in this. He’d get the hell out of there way before anything went down. Kreed could bet his ass on that.

Chapter 21

Not thirty minutes later, Aaron was wired up, dressed in proper church-boy clothes and fully briefed by Connors on everything that had gone down in the last two days. Kreed’s guilt over not taking part in whatever information they’d found yesterday came through loud and clear. The problem was, he didn’t see how Kreed could have helped. What was the big deal? He’d missed a phone call from Skinner. Not even Connors had included Kreed until this morning.

It seemed to Aaron, Kreed was doing exactly what he was supposed to. No slacking at all on his part. Maybe this was an after-sex guilt thing and Aaron absolutely hated that idea. He didn’t want Kreed to have any regrets about being with him. But he just didn’t see Kreed as the kind of guy who had guilt over spilling his load. If so, that was fucked up, and he needed to know that sooner rather than later.

Right now, though, he had to push all of that out of his mind and concentrate on his task like Kreed wanted him to do.

“Keep your head down today, Stuart. Be as available as you can, but blend in,” Connors instructed from the speaker of Kreed’s cellphone.

“All right. That’s pretty much been my plan this whole time. I should get going. It’s close to eight,” Aaron said, hoping that would end the call with Connors.

“Give me a minute to get him out the door,” Kreed said, completely back in super-serious mode.

“Can you see me out?” Aaron asked. He knew no matter how quiet he got, the wires would catch everything he said now. He hooked a thumb over his shoulder and left the room. He went for the kitchen and covered the cross pin on his shirt with his left hand before going for the pad of paper by the phone. He scribbled a note quickly as Kreed trailed in behind him.

Nothing’s changed. We’ve got this. He pointed to the pad on the table before he went for his coat. He zipped up his jacket, covering the cross altogether as Kreed read the note and nodded. He wasn’t certain if the buckle wrap had a camera so he pulled his bomber jacket down, covering his belt as he walked back to Kreed, lifting a finger to his lips. Aaron pushed up on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to Kreed’s, knowing he was committing a major no-no.

He tried not to take offense when Kreed’s eyes grew to the size of saucers, and he immediately backed away, shaking his head. Aaron smiled at his reaction; poor guy looked like a deer caught in headlights. Where was all the bravado now? Aaron ran his tongue across his lips, hoping to hide the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

On second thought, he couldn’t resist and stepped in to brush his lips over Kreed’s one last time before turning toward the front door.

Kreed wasn’t the only one that had a vested interest in what they’d done or the job they had to accomplish. It was time Kreed got on Aaron’s page. He was tired of playing on his partner’s. Besides, Kreed’s page wasn’t any fun. Kreed had all those rules he lived by, and Aaron just wanted to make it through life reasonably unscathed.

Aaron never looked back as he grabbed his well-used Bible—a prop that had come by mail after they’d arrived. He headed out the door. Man, what a difference a few days made. He was ready and eager to bring this church down.


Kreed couldn’t deny Aaron had done an outstanding job. Seven hours into the day and Aaron had made it to every computer in the place. He’d moved so swiftly and so casually that Kreed wasn’t completely certain of what Aaron had accomplished until Connors team gave the occasional “atta boy” into the earpiece. Aaron had managed to place listening devices all over the administrative offices, including inside the pastor’s personal cellphone. That had caused a round of back-patting from DC, because Aaron had subtly had the pastor hand him the phone. Aaron skillfully added the device right there in the open while listening to Bible verses being tossed his way and the angry pastor standing directly in front of him.

Aaron Stuart was damn good at this sneaking around shit. Kreed sat back from the monitor where he’d been stationed all day long and scrubbed a hand over his face. Aaron was too good at all this… Like he’d done this before. Keeping his eyes on the monitor, Kreed silenced his connection with the bureau and called Mitch. His buddy picked up on the first ring.


