Frat House Fling Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 80986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

Finally, reluctantly, I turned off the shower. The little stall became a sauna, steam all over the place, caressing my skin. Then I slid open the door and the steam escaped, fogging up the mirror. I reached for my towel as I stepped out of the shower onto that weird stone bath mat they had.

It wasn’t there.

Had it fallen on the floor? If so, I was good. I kept all the bathrooms clean, but I had to admit that I always worked extra hard in this one.

And then my heart skipped a beat without me truly understanding why. Something was wrong.

Very wrong.

My robe wasn’t on the hook behind the door. My clothes weren’t folded neatly on the little shelf over the sink. There were no towels. No clothes. Nothing.

I blinked, as if the problem was my vision, but it wasn’t. I sprinted over to the door, my wet feet skidding on the tile and I checked the doorknob. It was still locked—yet someone had been in here. Someone had had a key.

Someone had stolen my clothes while I showered. I wrapped my arms around myself as my wet skin grew colder. That thought alone had terrified me. Sure, the glass was frosted, but had he tried to watch me? Had he listened to me? I shivered, and only part of that was because of the cold.

What was I going to do? There wasn’t a single thing in here I could use to cover myself with, unless I ripped the vanity off the wall.

The vanity! Please, god, let there be some extra towels in there. Or an old t-shirt. Hell, even a dust cloth would be an improvement over what I had now, which was nothing.

Tears slid down my cheeks, joining the water droplets from the shower.

What on earth was I going to do? I was all but certain Bennett had done this. Who else? As president he would’ve had a key. It creeped me out to think that he’d been in here, so close. And then he’d taken my personal items, my towels, my clothes, and my phone.

My phone!

I dropped to the floor, landing painfully on my knees as I peered under the vanity. It was still there. I almost cried with relief as I reached for it. The screen wasn’t even scratched.

Leaning against the vanity, I stared at the lifeline I now held in my hands. But who should I call?

Theo or Ian would come in an instant. Of course they would. They’d be shocked and sympathetic and wonderful… but they’d also know. Know that someone had treated me this way. Someone had purposefully humiliated me.

That bothered me more than I could say. It was a little like when I didn’t want them to know I was a student. Despite the fact that I’d spent years looking down on myself, I didn’t want to take the chance that others would. Or that they’d pity me.

So who did that leave? Tori? I couldn’t really imagine her storming the gates of this big house to rescue me.

The fire department? But I wasn’t a kitten stuck in a tree.

The air grew colder minute by minute as the steam evaporated. I had to contact someone before I froze to death.

A strange thought rising to the front of my mind, and though I pushed it back, it kept coming. If we hadn’t had such a disastrous last conversation, I might have contacted Night Owl. Not that it seemed like a good idea for our first in-person meeting to be when I was naked, but I’d trusted him.

I’d really thought I’d read him correctly.

Some hopelessly naive part of me still kind of felt like that. Maybe he’d just been having a bad day. Maybe he was drunk. Maybe it was a test to see if I’d stick with him even when he was being an incredible asshole. If so, I’d failed the test.

But so had he.

This was stupid. It was a bad idea. But I still opened my texts. Unblocked him. And sent out a plea for help.

My body shook, my arms wrapped around my knees as I waited. Had I just made a huge mistake? After all, he’d been the one to demand nude pictures of me. For all I knew, he’d set this whole thing up and was waiting out in the hallway to see if I’d try to make a dash for it.

But… that stubborn voice in the back of my head didn’t think so. It insisted that I did actually know him. Which was a weird thing to think about someone whose name you didn’t even know but it had still felt that way.

When I heard footsteps in the hallway, I shrank back against the wall behind the door. I wish I had something—anything—to cover myself with.

Then there was a soft knock. “Hailey? I’ve brought you my robe and a towel. I’m going to hand them in without looking, okay?”


