Formula Chance (Race Fever #2) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Race Fever Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 77816 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

She then turns her attention to me. “Got a few moments we can talk?”

I blink in surprise because I can’t think of any reason she’d single me out, not when there are people present who are far higher up the chain of command.

“Of course.”

“Is there somewhere private we can go?”

“I’ve got an office upstairs,” I say, motioning for her to accompany me.

I shoot Nash a bewildered look and he gives a slight shrug, but I move through the garage and Brienne follows. When I look back, I see Nash talking to Drake about the car and I’m betting they’re both a little starstruck with each other.

Upstairs in my office, I hastily move to straighten all the scattered telemetry reports from my desk. When we’re seated, I say, “I didn’t know if you’d be able to make the race.”

Not only does this woman own the hockey team her husband plays for, but she runs a multibillion-dollar holding company. I can’t imagine it was easy to find time in her schedule to travel all the way to Australia.

Brienne smiles. “I won’t be able to come to many races given my other responsibilities, but this just happened to work out since Drake is off for a few weeks with an injury. We thought it would be fun, and well… I have a vested interest in cheering on Nash since he was my pick to join Titans Racing.”

“You should be proud of him. He’s really put his all into this team, and his talent and dedication are unmatched.”

“From what I understand so far in talking to Luca, he’s more than earned the number one driver slot, not just in his performance so far but in a leadership role.”

That surprises me, because while I understand that as the owner of this team she would receive direct reporting from Luca, I guess I didn’t think she’d be interested at that level. She seems more like the type who only cares about the end results.

“It’s well deserved” is all I can think to say.

“And what about you?” she asks.

I stare at her, unsure of what she’s asking. I feel like I’m getting ready to step into a minefield, so I answer cautiously. “I love working here. The challenge, the people. It’s a dream job.”

Brienne cocks an eyebrow. “That sounds rehearsed. How are you really doing?”

I don’t know if she knows something—like my struggles with Matthieu and Hendrik—or perhaps she’s just guessing that as the first female chief strategy engineer, I might have an uphill battle, but I can’t afford to show any weakness. “Like I said… it’s been a challenge but nothing I didn’t expect. I like being kept on my toes.”

“Hmm.” She studies me. “Are you being treated fairly? Given proper respect?”

I’m not about to bring my complaints to her doorstep. I meant it when I declared that I could handle these issues on my own. “I’m asserting myself when needed.”

Brienne smiles, and it’s a little too knowing in my opinion. But she nods, accepting that I’m doing fine enough to suit her. “I’m glad. I have high hopes for you because it’s important to me that we give females an opportunity in this sport.”

“And I very much appreciate your confidence in me. I won’t let you down.”

“I like your surety. I’m certain you’re going to be quite the star. Now, there is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about, and it has to do with what I just mentioned… women in this sport.”

“Okay,” I drawl, my eyebrows knitting with confusion.

“I’m considering bringing Francesca Accardi onto the team.”

My jaw drops wide and I’m so stunned, I can’t even close it. Brienne seems amused. “I imagine that will be the reaction of just about everyone in this company, but I wanted to get your thoughts first.”

“Me?” I exclaim, startling out of my stupor. “What does my opinion matter?”

“Because you are a woman in a male-dominated sport. You’re the only one in your position. You can say everything is fine, but I have a sneaking suspicion you’ve been running into some walls and that you’ve been unnecessarily tested.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because I’m a woman in a male-dominated world of business and sports. I’m questioned every damn day merely because I’m not a man. So I know how hard it is for you even if you won’t admit it, and I expect it would be hard for Francesca. You’ve been in racing your entire life. You worked your way up through the ranks, and I know your history, Bex. You’re a hard worker. So is Francesca and she’s a damn good driver. But as pioneering as it was to bring on a female chief strategy engineer, it’s going to cause shockwaves through the entire industry to promote a woman to FI. I simply want to know if you think I’m crazy to consider it.”


