Formula Chance (Race Fever #2) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Race Fever Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 77816 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

Bernie looked like a caged animal when I turned to him. “And you… you think you’re smarter than the data?”

His gaze dropped, refusing to look at me.

Fucking coward. “Because you couldn’t have patience and follow the plan, you tangled with another car and damaged yours beyond repair. You ignored my call to maintain pace because you thought you knew better and look where that got you—retired.”

Bernie bristled, but I didn’t let up. “You want to know why you’ll never be more than a backup driver, Bernie? Because you think this is a one-man show. It’s not. This is a team sport. And until you figure that out, you’ll be sitting exactly where you are—on the second string.”

The room was deathly silent as Bernie sank lower in his seat, his face a mix of anger and humiliation. I turned back to Matthieu, glaring at me like he wanted to throw something. “Matthieu,” I said in a low voice, filled with a request to listen to reason. “If you keep ignoring strategy calls, you won’t win anything. You’re not just sabotaging your races—you’re sabotaging the team. And let me be clear, I’m not going to get fired for this. You are. So go ahead and keep acting like you know better. See how long it takes before Luca and Brienne decide you’re not worth the trouble.”

His face darkened, but before he could respond, I went in for the kill. “And one more thing—your attitude toward me? The dismissiveness, the arrogance? I have a hard time believing you pulled this crap with the previous chief strategist. So unless you’re going to tell me you’ve suddenly developed a personality flaw, I can only conclude it’s because I’m a woman. You need to get over it because I’m not going anywhere.”

Nash rubbed a hand over his mouth to hide what I know was an amused smirk. I saw Luca and Hendrik exchange a glance and I swear, Luca might have been trying hard not to smile.

But it slipped right off his face when Matthieu confronted him. “Are you going to let her talk to me that way? I’m the fucking driver and she’s just an engineer. Without me, you have an empty car.”

I don’t know how things are done under Luca’s leadership and he’s new in the position. It’s true the drivers have more clout than I could ever hope to have, but I am a senior management executive with this team. I provide a huge part of the formula for success, and I’m the one who puts driver and car on the road to victory.

Luca didn’t answer Matthieu at first and turned to Bernie. He merely nodded to the door. “I’d like you to leave.” He then looked to Hendrik and Nash. “I’d like you two to step out as well.”

Oh shit. Luca was clearing the room, and it was just going to be me, him and Matthieu. I immediately became concerned I’d overstepped, wondering if I’d just flushed my career before I’d even gotten started.

Matthieu looked smug as Nash was the last to leave and then turned his ire on me. He pointed an accusing finger. “Let this be a lesson in the way that—”

“Shut up, Matthieu,” Luca growled, slamming his hand on the table, causing both of us to jump. His glare was ice cold. “The only thing you’ve proven to me today is that you don’t know how to be a team player, and in case you didn’t notice, this is a race team. Titans Racing employs a little over eight hundred people at any given time, and this woman”—Luca pointed at me—“is one of the most important. Without race strategy, we win nothing. Without engineering, we fail. And without a fundamental belief that you depend on Bex to make you the best possible driver, then you are not worthy of being on this team.

“From this moment on, when you speak to her, you do so with respect. When she tells you to pit, you pit. When she passes you in the hall, you fucking smile at her. Anything less than that and I’ll get involved, and that’s going to make me very irritable. You saw how fast Brienne Norcross moved when she wanted Nash on this team. Imagine how fast she’ll move when I inform her of your disrespect to our chief strategy engineer. Now, I don’t intend to talk to you about this again. I’m only going to ask you one question: Do you understand me fully?”

Matthieu’s head bobs so fast, I’m afraid it might fall off his shoulders. “I understand,” he rasped, his face red with embarrassment, eyes wide with shock.

Luca kept his gaze pinned on his driver but asked me, “Do you have anything to add, Bex?”

I cleared my throat. “I’m good.”

And that was that.

Matthieu left without another word and Luca called Hendrik back in so we could break down the race and file the data away for a rainy day.


