Forever After All Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83771 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

My heart aches at the thought. I glance over at Rip, and he winks at me.

Infuriating sexy man.

“There they are, the new couple.” Gramps' smile is wide as we walk into the room. “Come sit.” He points to the two chairs on the side of his bed.

“Hey, Gramps.” I go to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You look like you’re feeling better.”

“Much. This old ticker”—he taps his chest—“is working just fine. And I have this pretty lady here to keep me company.”

Grams smiles from her single seat on the opposite side of the bed. “Always the charmer,” she says with so much adoration in her voice I have to swallow back the emotions welling in my throat.

The love they share is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. To think that she could have lost him, that we could have lost him, tears me up inside. I know he’s okay. I’m sitting here with his hand in mine, watching as he smiles and winks at her, but the threat was real. I’m not ready for a world without either of them. They saved me, raised me, and gave me all the love a little girl could ever need. They are my world, and to think of this world without them… well, it’s not a happy place. I know that it’s going to happen—that’s the circle of life—but I’m not ready. I’ll never be ready.

“I could use a cup of coffee. McKenna, will you walk with me?” Grams asks.

“Uh, sure. I thought you were going to run home?”

“Shirley brought me some clothes and a nice lunch,” she says, speaking of Rip’s mom. “I was able to shower here in the room, and I feel so refreshed. I even took a little cat nap here in the chair.”

“You should go home and get some proper rest,” Gramps says.

“Oh, hush you. I’m just fine.” Gram pats his leg.

I look over at Rip, and he shrugs. “That was nice of her,” I say.

“Yes,” Gram agrees. “She and Roger were here for a nice visit. Don’t worry. We didn’t tell them your news.” Grams smiles.

“Well… I might have hinted that the two of you have some exciting news,” Gramps confesses. “I didn’t tell them what, but they’ll be expecting to hear from you,” he tells us.

“I’ll call them when we leave here. We might just swing by their place. It’s not like it’s a far drive.” Rip chuckles.

“Good plan, son.” Gramps nods.

I give Rip a “what the hell are you talking about” look, but he just winks at me. I’ve got to get a handle on this before the entire damn town knows we got drunk in Vegas and I slept with him.

“Come on. I need to stretch my legs.” Gram stands from her chair. “You two behave while we’re gone.” She points at Gramps and Rip.

I release Gramps' hand and move to walk past Rip. His arms snake around my waist as he pulls me into him, placing a kiss on my temple. He lets me go like nothing happened, and on shaking legs, I follow Grams out of the room.

Grams links her arms through mine as we make our way to the elevator. “I want all the details,” she gushes.

Taking a deep breath, I open my mouth and let the words flow freely. “It’s not real. We drank too much, and we woke up in bed together.” Heat coats my cheeks as my embarrassment takes root.

“Pft, don’t try to tell me that your relationship isn’t real. Do you not see the way he looks at you?”

“I’m telling you. It’s not real.”


“What? I just told you why?”

“I’m not buying it. It was spontaneous, and alcohol was involved, but, McKenna, I’m telling you neither one of you would have gone through with that night had you both not wanted it. Think about that. Really think about it and then tell me your connection and relationship isn’t real.”

We step out of the elevator, and the cafeteria is packed. I don’t need the town in my private business, so I don’t respond. Instead, I follow her through the line as she orders two black coffees, one for her and one for Gramps. I decide a sweet tea sounds good, and at the last second, I order two instead of one. Grams grins. She knows it’s for Rip without me having to tell her. It doesn’t matter. We’ve been friends since we were kids. I’m just being nice.

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Chapter 19


“That didn’t take long,” Harold says as McKenna and Agnes walk back into the room.

“We didn’t want to give the two of you time for mischief.” Agnes smiles, handing him a coffee. He takes a large drink and grimaces.


Agnes gives him a stern look, and he takes another drink, this time without complaint.


