Forced Series Box Set Read Online Celia Aaron (Forced #1-5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Dark, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Forced Series by Celia Aaron

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 61994 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)

There were no wounds, save for the one at her neck, courtesy of Liam’s blade. Her eyes were huge. She was afraid, and the fear wafted off her like the most expensive perfume. My cock hardened in my pants, shoving against the zipper. What a fucking waste.

“Lie down. Don’t move.”

She obeyed, those big eyes still focused on me. I turned around and pulled out my phone from my now-too-tight pants. I dialed.


“Jax and Liam. We have the package. Where to?”

The man coughed. It was almost a dainty sound. “Already?”

“Yes, already. You get what you pay for. Now where to?”

“I’m afraid the buyer isn’t in town at the moment and won’t be until noon when his flight lands.”

My hand tightened around the phone. “The fuck you say?”

“I apologize, Mr. …”


“Mr. Jax, but you’ll have to keep her until then. He isn’t here and I wouldn’t, ah, wouldn’t know what to … I’m simply not capable of keeping someone, well, captive like that.” The distaste in his tone made me want to strangle the life out of whoever he was. To just fucking wrap my hands around his pencil neck (I was certain that was the sort of neck this cocksucker had) and squeeze until his eyes went blank.

“Shut the fuck up. The job was for us to kidnap Charlotte fucking Perkins, bring her to your boss, and then pop her for him. You understand? Did you hear me say the word ‘babysit’ anywhere in there?”

“No, but—”

I held the phone away from my ear and pinched the bridge of my nose. Liam took the phone before I crushed it into a mess of glass and plastic.

“This is Liam. Uh huh, uh huh. We will keep her until noon. But this isn’t a free service. It’ll cost you double. Understand?”

Liam took a hairpin turn at breakneck speed. The scream of tires broke through the hum of wind along the steel. The car drifted, sliding before gaining purchase again and speeding down the two lane road. We were well outside the city now. Woods encroached on both sides, hemming us in, hiding us from view. He was taking us back to our cabin.

“Motherfucker! I will drop her at the nearest fucking police station. Do you understand? Either you pay double, or I ditch her. Do you think your boss would like that?”

I glanced back at the girl again. She’d slid toward the driver’s side after Liam’s autobahn antics. Those big eyes – maybe they were light blue, I couldn’t tell in the dark – watched me. A sliver of spit escaped from around her ball gag and dribbled down to the leather seat. Her tit, still bare, still perfect, jiggled with each bump in the road. I wanted to climb back through the seats and settle on top of her. I wondered how tight her little pussy would be. How much it would milk my cock.

“I’m glad we could come to terms,” Liam punched my shoulder and grinned. “Noon. Got it. We’ll be there.” Liam ended the call and threw the phone into the floorboard. “Double, brother. Double!”

I pounded the dashboard. “That’s what I’m fucking talking about!” This would be enough money to set us up on some island nation for life. No more wet work. No more jobs. Just sun, sand, and strange.

“But we have to keep her until noon.”

I turned around and gave her body a long look – tits, cunt, legs. I would taste it all before I handed her over tomorrow. We would. Liam and me. A little party before the real celebration got started. Too bad she wouldn’t enjoy any of it.

Chapter Four


I dragged her out of the car and pushed her ahead of me. The air was cooler out here away from the pavement and lights of the city. Here there were only trees and shadows. The cabin where Jax and I stayed when we had jobs out this way was the only small spot of light in the entire forest. Low lamps gleamed through the windows.

She stumbled on the pine straw littering the walkway to the front porch. Jax grabbed her arm and hauled her upright. She cringed away from his touch. He yanked her up the steps and pushed her into the wall next to the door.

His large body covered her small one and he ran his hands down her sides, feeling the soft skin I’d already tasted. I limped up the stairs behind them and unlocked the cabin. He pushed her inside and threw her on the sofa.

I locked the door behind us and reset the security system. Once the perimeter was secured, I finally let out a breath. We were back. Safe. No one knew about this hideout. It was our East Coast sanctuary. Two floors of solid wooden beams, plush furniture, animal skin rugs, and all the amenities blood money could buy.


