For the Night (The Game #15) Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors: Series: The Game Series by Cara Dee

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 55099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 275(@200wpm)___ 220(@250wpm)___ 184(@300wpm)


“No, I’d say we are, but we’re also a reserved bunch,” I said. “When we get angry, we write a strongly worded note to our neighbors and leave it anonymously in the elevator. Or we take to Facebook to rant. Meanwhile—” I gigglesnorted. So attractive. “Before we moved to the US, we lived on a quiet street—small houses, even smaller backyards—and this one neighbor would go out and mow his lawn in the middle of the night when he’d been fighting with his wife. I was like twelve, maybe thirteen, and I opened my window on the second floor and just laid into him. Like, ‘Are you serious right now? It’s two in the fucking morning, and I have school tomorrow! Stop bitching at your wife, or find a quieter hobby!’” I beamed as Penelope laughed. She had the most gorgeous laugh. Warm and light, almost musical. “This douchebag was the one who’d messed up, but it was my mom who apologized. She was so embarrassed by my outburst.”

Penelope shook her head in amusement, down to chuckles. “Hotheaded and salty. I like it.”

I liked seeing her in high spirits. She’d been carefree the whole evening. Well, once she’d relaxed around me.

She offered a softer smile and briefly covered my hand with hers. “It is flattering, by the way. The flirting. I can’t imagine what you’d dream about with me—to use your words—but I’ve enjoyed myself tonight. More than I thought I would.”

Welp. That was quite honest of her too—and boy, did it make me feel good! I couldn’t hide my grin.

“Ma’am, you don’t have to imagine. I can tell you if you want,” I replied.

I was sure I came off as a puppy who’d just caught a whiff of a treat, but I didn’t care. The amusement hadn’t left her eyes, and that was a good sign.

Her smile hadn’t faded either. “Okay.” She nodded once, as if to herself, and straightened a little. “What exactly is it you dream about?”

A chance with you.

The words were right there on the tip of my tongue, along with hopes of dates, tons of kink, love, and sailing off into the sunset together. But given her history—and honestly, how many people past their thirties had life experience that shot down romantic optimism?—I held back those words.

I didn’t wanna overwhelm her. At the same time, I wanted her to know my wishes weren’t founded in spur-of-the-moment thoughts or a days-old infatuation.

“I guess I should start by saying there are a handful of Dommes I’ve followed online and at events as a newbie,” I admitted. “I’ve stumbled across your posts and online journaling, and then I’ve attended demos you’ve hosted around the city. And you and Ella went to a few parties around Logan Circle.”

She inclined her head. “I have friends in a more lesbian-oriented community there.”

That made sense.

“Right, so you’re one of those Dommes—admittedly the one I’ve followed the most,” I said. “And, you know…” Satan också. All of a sudden, the courage drained out of me, and I felt exposed in a moment where I had zero confidence about the future. My mouth went dry, and I rubbed the back of my neck. “In the end, I guess I want to turn a for the night into a second and a third and a fourth, but yeah. Yeah.”

Thank fuck, she took pity on my fumbling, and she gathered one of my hands in both of hers. Then she surprised me by kissing my knuckles, causing me to stand ramrod straight and suck in a breath.

Good development or bad? Was she gonna let me down easy again or⁠—

“Just a few hours ago, I would’ve… Well, I said what I said to you.” She lowered my hand to the counter again but kept it in her grasp. “I’m not going to say it again, partly because I can’t do it as confidently. Just…please don’t get your hopes up with me, pet. It has absolutely nothing to do with you—in fact, you’re kind of testing my resolve…”

She called me pet.

I’m testing her resolve.

I wasn’t gonna push. I just couldn’t back away either. I stood there, verbally frozen—if that was a thing—but I inched forward a little. I couldn’t help it. It was the strangest sensation to be warned and complimented at the same time. I couldn’t speak, and yet I leaned forward as if she beckoned me. Until our stances were mirrored once more and mere inches separated us. Goddamn the bartop—it was in the way.

Did she have to be so damn beautiful? She radiated warmth and softness, all while her edge never disappeared out of sight.

“You should get some sleep.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

But neither of us moved, and a beat later, I felt the heat crackling. It was ignited by a single flash of desire in her eyes, which sent a blaze of fire through me. Fuck me, but she was something else. What would it be like to follow her? To be owned by her? To serve her, to kiss every freckle, to…


