Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32859 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 110(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 32859 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 110(@300wpm)
Between the dancing and the outfit, she wasn’t looking forward to this dinner.
Stepping downstairs, she came to a halt as a man she’d been promised she would never have to look at came storming through the front door.
Danny looked a little worse for wear. Even from her position partway up the stairs, he appeared to possess red, bloodshot eyes and looked a little crazy as well. At first, he didn’t see her. One of the guards had followed him into the main house and was attempting to reason with him by grabbing his arm.
“Get the fuck off me. Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?” Danny all but growled.
“Clearly someone who doesn’t know his manners,” she said, finally drawing his attention toward her.
His gaze moved toward her. His first reaction was to recoil, then she saw the sneer on his lips, and seconds later, his eyes moved down. Clearly, he was trying to make her feel uncomfortable.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” Leah said.
“Why? Because you’re fucking my father and have him eating out of the palm of your hand?” he asked.
She was pretty sure she detected a hint of jealousy, but she also couldn’t help the laugh that fell from her lips.
“No, and besides, the reason I am here and you’re not, is entirely your fault.” She tutted. “Someone should have taken his lessons of being told no seriously.”
She was pretty sure if looks could kill, he’d have struck her down. There was no way she was going to show fear to this asshole. He meant nothing to her, and she refused to be afraid of him. The lessons Ben taught her were ingrained into her very being.
“What are you doing here?” Cain asked, suddenly appearing out of his office, dressed rather handsomely.
She couldn’t help but admire how good he looked in a tuxedo. There was no way Cain could look even more tempting, and yet in a tux, he outshone so many men. Tonight was going to be hard.
They’d been to formal events before, and she’d merely been there as a distraction on his arm. A few months ago, she had no choice but to sit back and allow him to dance with whomever asked for a dance.
Now that she thought about it, Cain never asked any of the other women to dance, and yet he was high priority on everyone’s list.
“Seriously. I am your son and you’re going to treat me that way while allowing this slut to have her way?”
“May I remind you that if you had listened to my warning, you wouldn’t be in this position. Besides, I thought the problem you had with Miss Masters was the fact she is not a slut.”
She watched Danny go even more red-faced.
“I told you, you are not welcome here, and you seem insistent on disregarding my advice. Need I remind you what it would be like if I completely froze you out?”
Leah watched Danny.
There was something about him that gave her cause for concern. The man was a ticking time bomb, and she had a horrible feeling if they were not careful he was going to explode.
Would he even dare to risk taking on his father? She had no doubt Cain would win. The man was a menace. She’d seen him fight and deliver a killing blow more than once. It would take someone very fucking evil to take on Cain.
“I need more money,” Danny said.
The redness of his face showed his humiliation.
“Good, earn it, like everyone else. I told you, when you attempted to attack Leah, you were going to learn a few hard lessons. These are the hard lessons. Everyone has to earn their own way. There are jobs you are required to do. Do me a favor and do them, or you are going to risk being penniless.” He nodded toward the guard behind Danny. “Remove him from my property. Do it now, and the next time he enters this home without advance warning, I will consider you personally responsible.”
There was a brief pause of silence.
Leah wanted to argue with Cain, but she would never do it with one of his employees watching. At all times, she showed Cain respect in front of others. Behind closed doors, when it was just the two of them, he got a piece of her mind. Even though she’d witnessed him kill several people, she wasn’t afraid of him and never would be.
“I’m your son,” Danny said. “You’re going to take her side. She is a liar.”
Cain laughed. “Oh, son, that might have worked when you were five, but you see, you didn’t deactivate the camera. I got to see everything with my own two eyes. I warned you and now it is time you suffer the consequences. Remove him before I do finally cut him off without a dime.”