Flirty Kumquat (Little Cakes #12) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Taboo Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 45562 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“Positive, Rainbow.” He’d even completely shaved his groin this morning to be sure no hair would be in the way.

Tatiana leaned over the spot where the tattoo would go low on his groin near his cock and balls. She tapped the spot. “You’re going to have to hold that giant erection out of the way, Daddy, so it doesn’t bob and hit me in the eye or something.” Her voice was playful, but she pointed at his cock. “I’m not kidding.”

He chuckled as he wrapped his palm around his erection and tried not to moan. He could surely hold his dick steady and out of the way while she worked.

“Thank you. Just hold it, Daddy,” she instructed. “Don’t stroke it.” She shook a finger at him as if she were the one giving orders in this relationship. “If you’re good, I’ll suck you off when I’m finished. If you’re not, I’ll make you wait until we get home, and I know you don’t want to drive with that giant cock sticking out the top of your jeans.”

He smirked. “Less talking, more inking, Rainbow.”

“Yes, Sir.” She picked up her tool and got to work.

Chapter Nineteen

“That is perfection, Rainbow,” Maniac told her an hour later when she was done with his.

“Yeah?” She looked nervous. He understood the feeling. He’d experienced it when he’d revealed her new ink too.

She was beaming when he looked at her. “We match now,” she announced.

He covered his own tattoo with the clear plastic wrap and reached for his jeans.

Tatiana grabbed his hand. “Hey, I promised you a blowjob if you were good.”

He glanced at the clock on the wall and continued to snag his pants and then shrug into them. “We don’t have time right now, Rainbow, but I’ll take a raincheck for when we get home.”

Tatiana twisted to look at the clock. “What do you mean? Why don’t we have time? Do we have other plans for today?”

“We do.” He leaned over and kissed her quickly just as the chime sounded, indicating the front door was opening.

“Shit,” Tatiana stated. “Didn’t we lock the door?” She glanced at the entrance and let out a relieved breath. “Oh, it’s Buzz.”

Tatiana stepped out from behind the partition while Maniac zipped up his jeans. “Hey. What’re you doing here on your day off? Did you schedule a client?” she asked.

Maniac stepped up behind her and set his hands on her shoulders. “He does have a client today actually,” he informed her. “You.”

Her brows shot up as she twisted to meet his gaze. “Me? But you just finished with me.”

“I finished with part one of today’s body transformation. I figured if today is going to go on the calendar as an important anniversary date for us, then we should go all in and make it totally memorable.”

Her brow furrowed adorably. “You want me to get another tattoo today? Why couldn’t you just do it yourself?”

He took her hand and guided her toward Buzz’s station. “Nope. No more tattoos.”

She stopped moving, staring forward.

Buzz was pulling out his piercing equipment. She must have caught on.

Keeping one hand on his Little girl’s, Maniac reached across to snag the item he’d carefully selected a week ago from where it sat on Buzz’s workstation.

Maniac watched her face closely as he held it up. “I know it’s too soon for me to put a diamond on your finger. You’d probably faint if I went that far yet, but you’re mine, Rainbow, and I want you to wear this smaller diamond ring for me. Will you?”

She swallowed hard. “That’s not a ring, Daddy. It’s a hoop.” Suddenly, she gasped and covered her mouth with her other hand, her gaze jerking to Buzz. “Shit.”

Whatever blood had been left in her face drained away, leaving her white.

“What’s wrong?” Maniac asked, confused. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to get anything pierced. I’m sorry if this was a bad idea.”

Buzz’s brow was furrowed in the same confusion.

Tatiana shifted her gaze to Maniac, eyes wide as she lowered her hand. “That’s not it. I liked the nipple clamps. I know I’ll like this. But… I just called you Daddy in front of Buzz,” she whispered, though both men could easily hear her fine.

Buzz shrugged. “Don’t worry about me, Tatiana. Goodness, I figured you two were in a Daddy/Little relationship from the start. I would never judge anyone’s kink. We’re going to be working together. I wouldn’t want you to tiptoe around me and try to hide who you are. I get it if you don’t want strangers coming in off the street to know, but we’re professionals here.”

Maniac slid his hand up her arm and cupped her face. “He’s right. I’d rather not hide who we are to each other when the store isn’t open. That would be exhausting. Are you okay?”

Tatiana nodded slowly. “I think so.” Her shoulders relaxed. She shifted her attention back to the nipple ring. “I’ve always wanted to get a nipple ring but was too scared. You really want me to get a piercing?” She shuddered, fisting her hands at her sides.


