Flip Job (Fixer Brothers Construction Co #1) Read Online Raleigh Ruebins

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fixer Brothers Construction Co Series by Raleigh Ruebins

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79968 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 400(@200wpm)___ 320(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

“Hey, Maddy,” I said, giving my niece a hug. “I hope your dad hasn’t already signed you up for square dancing against your will.”

“He better not do that,” Maddy said, grinning at me. “Not after last year.”

“Was wondering when you guys would show up,” Nathan said. “I got plenty of these glowy necklaces, and you’re all required to wear them. One for you, one for you…”

He adorned each of us with two of the glowstick necklaces, then took a few steps back and snapped a few photos.

“He really is in Fun Dad Mode,” I said out loud this time, and it made Maddy giggle.

Mom immediately pulled Nathan and Maddy aside and launched into a conversation with them about some painted portrait of Maddy she wanted to have commissioned. As they got caught up talking, they headed over to sign up for trivia as the rest of us branched off.

“White wine,” Charlie said. “I see white wine.” He beelined to go get in line for it, leaving me and Rush by ourselves.

“That is a bad sign,” I said. “Charlie treats white wine like most people treat tequila.”

“Does that mean he’s ready to party?” Rush asked, watching Charlie walk off. “Oh God, it’s probably something with Jim, isn’t it?”

I gave him a grim look. “Gotta be.”

“Also, we totally just missed our chance to tell your parents, didn’t we?” Rush asked, turning back around toward me.

“At least for now,” I said. “Also, you look cute with glowstick necklaces.”

“Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you.”

“What news were you talking about? Before Mom got rabbit-brained and forgot she was talking to you?” Tristan asked, catching up with us and sauntering down the street.

“Oh,” I said. I had completely forgotten that my younger brother was also out of the loop on my dating life, and for some reason I suddenly got even more of a nervous flutter in my chest at the idea of telling him.

That felt weird. Why the hell would I be nervous to tell Tristan? He had only been back in Jade River for a little while, after living out in Kansas for many years and finding the love of his life.

“Oh God, did something bad happen?” he asked after I’d been silent for a beat. “I know Mom and Dad can be hesitant to talk about bad news.”

“No. Definitely not. Everyone is alive, well, and healthy,” I reassured him.

“Sweet. What’s up?”

“I’m fucking Rush,” I blurted out. “Damn. Why do we always have to say it like that? That is not how I was supposed to say it. I’m dating Rush. Rush and I are together.”

It was as if all of my awkwardness came barrelling back in, the moment I had to inform people about my dating life.

And I knew it was because I was bracing myself for them to react badly, like Nathan had done.

“He’s my boyfriend,” Rush said, swooping in to say something a lot more elegant than everything I had just babbled.

Tristan’s eyes immediately went wide, and both he and his partner, Jack, smiled wide.

“Fuck yeah, dude!” Tristan said, leaning in to give me a hug.

“Did I hear what I think I just heard?” my sister Lindsay said, coming up behind us and taking off her sunglasses. “Are you two dating?”

“We are indeed,” I said. “And I’m really glad I just told you guys first, because if I’d blurted it out like that to Mom and Dad, I’d be passed out on the ground with embarrassment right now.”

“Yeah, probably a good idea not to say ‘I’m fucking Rush’ to your parents just yet,” Jack said, winking at me. “More power to you if you do, though.”

“I’m gonna veto that one as well,” Rush said.

“Two things,” Lindsay said. “One: I am really happy for you. Two: you guys are boring.”

“Excuse me?” I protested.

Lindsay shrugged. She had on a bunch of glow bracelets as well as the necklaces, and her hair was up in two buns, one on either side of her head. She also had on neon pink eyeliner above each eye. “I’m just saying. You guys can have your fun with committed relationships and sweethearts and boyfriends, and I’m going to keep doing my thing and living the fun, single life.”

I snorted and luckily, Rush and Jack started cracking up laughing.

“Ignore our sister,” Tristan said, waving a hand through the air. “Just because she looks like she’s ready to go to a rave right now doesn’t mean we’re the boring ones.”

“God, a rave sounds so fun,” Lindsay said. “Let me know if you hear of any down in the city. And really, congratulations on your relationship. You know I’m happy for you.”

Lindsay came over and gave me and Rush each a big, long hug.

“This is the most sincere I’ve ever seen Lindsay get,” I said.

“Don’t get used to it,” Lindsay said, winking at me. “Also, I just noticed a stand over there where people are selling ceramics, and I need to get there before all of the good stuff is bought up. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”


