Flight Risk Read Online Free book Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 14112 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 71(@200wpm)___ 56(@250wpm)___ 47(@300wpm)

Her body tenses and I know she’s close. Steady, even strokes on her clit as I thrust in and out bring her to the edge faster than I would have guessed.

“You might be new to this, but your pussy was made to cum. And you were made to breed. Look at you, taking my cock all the way and ready to go off so soon.”

My filthy words are enough to send her over the edge, and I watch as the blush from her cheeks blooms on her chest, and I lean down, taking a nipple in my mouth. I hold myself inside her as deep as I can go and release my hot cum into her as her body opens for me.

Her orgasm is intense, and she cries out as she claws my back. My name drips off her lips as I pump cum into her. There’s so much, I can feel it at the base of my cock, leaking down my balls, but I can’t stop.

The feel of her nipple in my mouth and the smell of her pussy on my lips is pushing my body past any limit it thought it had. Just when I think I don’t have any left, another wave shoots down my spine and I give her more.

I take a deep breath and roll onto my back, taking her with me and positioning her above my hips. My cock is still buried as deep as it can go inside her, and I have zero plans of changing that any time soon.

I grab her hips and begin to rock them as she lies limply across my chest. I hear a giggle come from her and look down to see her smiling.

“Are you going to do it for me?” she asks as I keep rocking her hips on my cock.

“You need your rest. But I can’t seem to stop,” I admit, and kiss her on the lips softly.

“Does it always feel like this?” she asks shyly as her cheeks redden.

“Never before. This is heaven, sweet pea. And you’re my goddess.”

When she sits up and cups her tits, I groan at the sight of it. A wicked smile plays at her lips, and in that moment she wraps me even tighter around her pinky.

Chapter Seven


I roll over, reaching out for Lincoln, but come up empty. Opening my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. I sit up and call out for him but get no response.

Pulling myself from the bed, I go in search of him but find the hotel room empty. Nervousness sits in the pit of my stomach. What if he left…?

I find my suitcase by the door and I dig through it to find something to wear. He wouldn’t just leave, would he? I know nothing about dating.

Walking into the bathroom, I freeze when I see myself. I’m completely naked and I can see the evidence of our lovemaking coating my body.

I should shower, but I don’t want to wash it away. I’d rather go in search of Lincoln. Maybe he just went down to the hotel lobby.

I get dressed quickly and throw my hair into a messy bun before leaving the hotel room. When the door shuts behind me, I realize I don’t have a key.

I go to the elevator and hit the lobby button. The nervousness in my belly only grows with each second I’m away from Lincoln.

When I exit, I stop in my tracks when I see Lincoln in the lobby, but he isn’t alone. A young dark-haired woman is leaning in to kiss him.

My breath catches and I turn around, not wanting to see it. I hit the elevator button but remember I have no way of getting into the room. Tears leak down my cheeks.

I should have known this was too good to be true. I turn to exit the hotel but run right into Lincoln. His whole body is rock solid and he looks livid.

“Why are you crying?” His soft tone doesn’t match the hard look on his face.

“You left and you-you…” I can’t even say it.

His hands cup my face “Sweet pea, I came down to wrap some things up for work. I was on my way back up to order some breakfast for us.”

“I saw her,” I snap. More tears leak out.

“Her?” he questions, and my eyes follow his. The woman is being escorted out by what looks like a security guard. “I know she practically jumped me. Promise she didn’t get the kiss she was trying to land,” he growls out, seeming super pissed. He leans down and takes my mouth with his. The kiss is deep and consuming.

When he pulls back, I’m dazed and want to go back to our room.

“Just a drunk. You’re the only woman I’ll ever kiss,” he says against my lips.


