First Comes Love (Love & Marriage #1) Read Online Emily Goodwin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Love & Marriage Series by Emily Goodwin

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 77717 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

I wrinkle my nose. “Gross.”

She reaches for her lemonade, laughing. I like this, the laid-back time together, talking and laughing and just being ourselves. I don’t have to put on a show for Lauren. I’m just me. I’ve never been this comfortable around anyone.

The rest of the day is just as easy going, and we spend the evening watching movies. Halfway through the second Harry Potter movie—and, yes, these movies are fucking awesome—Lauren rests her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, stretching out on the couch so that we are both laying down.

“You can lay on your stomach, right?” I ask, suddenly worried she’s going to hurt our baby.

Fuck, that sounds weird. Our baby.

“Yeah. I can for a while. And the baby is like the size of a grape right now. Very small.”

“Oh, good. When can you feel it move?”

“From what I read, about halfway through.”

“It’s like a little alien inside you.”

“Hah, it feels like it sometimes. Well, not the movement parts obviously, but the part where it’s sucking all my energy.”

I’ve had so much fun with Lauren all day, enjoying her company, that I didn’t think about the reason we were together. Now that I’m thinking about babies again, my head is spinning. I hold tighter onto Lauren, anchoring myself. “Do you want a girl or a boy?”

“I don’t care as long as it’s healthy. What about you?”

“I don’t care either, though I think it’s a girl.”

Lauren lifts her head off my chest and looks into my eyes. “I wonder who he or she will look like.”

“This is so weird,” I blurt. What’s even weirder is my imagination getting ahead of me, and I’m seeing this play out like it was planned, like Lauren loves me as much as I’ve loved her, and we’re ready and excited to embark on this stage of life together.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

“It is.” Lauren lays her head back down and turns her attention back to the movie. I run my hands up and down her arms, bare skin under my fingers. Goosebumps break out along her flesh, so I sit up to grab the blanket that’s on the back of the couch. We resituate close together, blanket draped over us both.

Lauren turns, probably to say something to me, but I don’t give her the chance. I move in, putting my lips to hers. Time stops and it’s just us, just this kiss.

I can’t get close enough.

I can’t stop kissing her.

It’s like I’m that sixteen-year-old boy, feeling the effects of teenage love at first sight all over again, ten years later.

Only this time, she’s feeling it too.

Lauren moves into my lap, straddling me. We kiss with fury, and soon I’m laying her down on the couch, moving between her legs. She rakes her nails down my back and grabs the hem of my shirt, yanking it up halfway then stopping.

“Noah,” she groans. “We … we … oh fuck.”

My lips are on her neck, and she likes it. Really likes it. Her legs widen and wrap around me.

“Noah,” she starts again and puts her hands on either side of my head. “We shouldn’t do this.”

I let out a breath and nod. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

“It’s what I need,” she whispers. “I want you.”

Worst possible words, Lauren. Thanks for that. With great control, I move off of her, and we cuddle together again. If Lauren wants three dates, I’ll wait. Hell, I’ll wait if she wants thirty dates. I’ll do whatever it takes.

Chapter 11


“IT’S BEEN MORE than three dates,” Noah reminds me as we sit down at dinner after seeing a movie. I ate pretty much the entire bucket of popcorn and I’m fucking starving again.

“I know,” I say, picking up the menu. I want my freaking hamburger. Now. And salty French fries and strawberry lemonade.

“So, that means I get some tonight, right?”

I look up into Noah’s blue eyes, falling under the spell of his sexy grin. The word “yes” wants to roll off my tongue. Actually, I want my tongue all over him.

“You said it takes good food to get into your pants,” he continues. “And I think we should fuck a few times before you get a baby belly. That’ll be a little awkward.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I’m only twelve weeks. It’ll be a while before I get a bump that big. And you’re making it really easy to say no.” I’m lying through my teeth. With hormones raging through me and all the time we’ve spent together the last three weeks, I’m horny as fuck and want nothing more than to feel him on top of me, kissing me as he drives his big cock in and out, rocking me into oblivion.

“Come on, throw me a bone.”

“You have hands, don’t you?”


